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It is May and outside the sky is so dark that if someone told me that Shenron was being summoned I might believe them.  To me at least I find it comforting, because when it’s too sunny out I don’t ...

The internet goes through phases like any hopeful adolescent child (boys specifically because I’m convinced that only they are effected on a deep personal level by puberty, you know why.)  because like any kid,  there’s the factor of wanting and ...

If video games were better, and a carton of Spirits wasn’t so expensive I’d probably relapse, buy a pack and smoke them in the igloo I haven’t made yet, with the guy from upstairs (not like, sky upstairs) who tries ...

Angry Piggy is definitely the kind of game that’s all about teamwork. Initially I admit to jumping right in without even reading the games description, I wrote it off immediately as being mundane and too simplistic as well as repetitive ...

Planet wars is the kind of game you just need to have if you’re a tactics junkie.  It seriously makes you feel like that tyrant you always wanted to be when playing games like Masters of Orion and EVE minus ...

Yeah it’s true, I like getting my hands super dirty with technology.  But for the most part I just opt-out of professionalism and end up projectile-vomiting morbid but useful information..about that I can actually stand droning on about it.  ...

What is the world coming to when a game about an assassin begins to remind you of the holiday season?  You know, gift wrap for starters, the nose of a certain reindeer and of course, Santa’s classic wardrobe.  If you ...

 The first computer I ever used was an NEC running Windows 95.  At that time I was just a little kid who was too curious about the internet and gaming for his own good.  Safe to say I have come ...

You ever sit around and question what it means to have all this technology coming out?  For some it means hey,  I want that,  I’m going to get it.  But what about us?  What about the people who can’t exactly ...

Alright so at this point, after selling four million copies on PC which is impressive considering everyone is a pirate now,  I don’t have to introduce Minecraft: Pocket Edition to you.  The game is damn near universal, last time I checked ...

Planet in a Bottle is so simple that it should be a crime to call it an actual game. I refuse to sit here and tell you that the game is a whole lot like Hatchi or Tamagotchi because, just ...

Great Little War Game might just have everything you require to be the best jarhead you can be. The game is as fast paced as a 3D turn-based game can be too. Going into it I was thinking something along ...

Think back to a time when it was fun to be naive to the better things in life.  Back when you didn’t have to know much about anything to get ahead.  Well you know what?  Nothing has changed, it’s just ...

Godville is such a huge time-killer that it’s disgusting. Once you start you can barely remember why you started and you won’t care, in fact I think that might be the point. Seriously, you are almost expected to neglect this ...

Aardwolf is a text-based RPG game and it might just be the best one of its specific niche on the android market right now. Go on, I dare you to prove me wrong. The game holds much more depth and ...

So you are stranded on a desolate island that is supposed to be kind of “dangerous” despite being cute at the same time. In this new creature catching civ-management game from Kairosoft you will be doing lots of taming, skewering ...