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Godville is such a huge time-killer that it’s disgusting. Once you start you can barely remember why you started and you won’t care, in fact I think that might be the point. Seriously, you are almost expected to neglect this game. And it has turned the whole experience into who-can-care-the-longest contest. See, it’s not you doing the work in Godville but instead it’s your hero! That’s right, you barely have to lift a finger. To turn you off some more, it has a browser-based feel, awesome! No it really isn’t bad at all honestly. You should stay entertained until stuff gets real and your hero starts dying after dramatic fights with hilariously named enemies.

Godville does a remarkably good job when it comes to keeping a sheepish grin on your face. The game is basically a huge ongoing parody that doesn’t suck. You can control what’s going on to some extent by using the “voice of god” which (barely) acts as a command platform when you feel that it’s time to get involved. Your hero is customizable by name and that’s about it. I mean you can drop hints and stuff but they kind of do their own thing. Still, it is fun catching up with them during their little routine of walking, more walking and beating up trees. Your hero can pay tribute to you and build shrines to restore your power but with all of this there is also the possibility that they could hate you. Sure you can regain their trust and respect but you have to maintain that as well. Which can be pretty time consuming actually for a game that doesn’t really have gameplay.

There are some goals you might want to strive for in order to increase the amount of time you’ll put into Godville. Skills come not long after your hero begins reaching some degree of success in his everyday life. And those get weird too, I’ve seen sunbathing vampires being rick-rolled to death. Godville‘s learning curve is not huge but if you do ever end up needing help there is an entire wiki you can refer too. The game is also somewhat multi-player and the community is active enough to bother participating in. Arena battles, fire-breathing pets and curses, causing earthquakes and tablets to fall from the sky is all part of what you can expect here.

The game is pretty much ongoing so there will always be something in the works I’m sure as far as gameplay improvements are concerned. Maybe it’s trending or maybe its just me but does it seem like a whole lot of mobile games are jumping on “less is more” bandwagon? I think it makes sense though, the market is full of casual gamers who just want to call the shots. Makes life seem like one big casual mobile game when you just go with the flow. I suppose I’ll be smited for that, or even cause some kind of reality breaking glitch. I wonder if that’s how the heroes feel when they say silly stuff like “I should be at home playing Xbox instead of being on this quest right now..”

Chris Le'John enjoys catching catfish with his teeth and writing stories beneath ghostly moss trees at night. He is the host of's weirdest podcast The Finger Fix. He is also fond of old cartoons.