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Angry Piggy

Angry Piggy is definitely the kind of game that’s all about teamwork. Initially I admit to jumping right in without even reading the games description, I wrote it off immediately as being mundane and too simplistic as well as repetitive and boring until I hit the second island. It’s obvious that the folks who designed this had a knack for level design because these force you to think before you do anything as opposed to another game of a similar name. The game takes place in place called Avelon that is apparently devoid of color, I can’ really tell.

The game boasts that it has 40 different levels full of fun and physics, give or take this is true. You get to alternate between playable characters, Steezy the pig, Haden the bird and Moochew the cow who are all pretty bad ass in their own way. This one time there was some acid rain fixed to one particular area of a level and I of course, sent my animal buddies running under the cloud to see what would happen. This kind of trial and error is a necessity when it comes to puzzle-platformers like this one. Now I’m not going to sit here and pretend that Angry Piggy has no flaws in that respect, in short, the “trial” is severely lacking in error. As in you play and you won’t lose no matter how clueless you are to what’s going on. I suppose this isn’t all bad though considering it does remain challenging to an extent.

The controls are pretty solid for hat it is. The response even on older devices seems as crisp as they can be. The graphics and animation don’t hinder any functions, making the game seamless from a technical perspective. One of the things that play in their favor is the fact the the game itself is pretty slow paced in comparison to other platformers. The team dynamic is unique, they play off of abilities that compliment each other in such a way that it easily be compared to titles like Botanicula and other games that require unlikely friends to play nicely together for the sake of whatever-the-hell.

Now that I think about it there isn’t much that doesn’t work with this game. I’m serious it’s like everything is appropriate but somehow that doesn’t exactly make it fun. In conclusion the game plays off of it’s own visual appeal but it falls short of being anything super substantial outside of just being slightly challenging and too easy. But hey it’s great for kids, for that audience I’d recommend this in a heartbeat. The game is available in both the Android and iPhone markets for free which, as usual enhances the appeal by default.

Chris Le'John enjoys catching catfish with his teeth and writing stories beneath ghostly moss trees at night. He is the host of's weirdest podcast The Finger Fix. He is also fond of old cartoons.