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The Last Of Us is a pretty good game. Around 15-20 hours is needed to complete the game a first time, and while the game has its ups and downs, it overall delivers a satisfying experience to gamers. Developed by ...

While a lot of hype is coming for the next generation of consoles and games, there are still some games coming out for this current-generation of consoles. Indeed, some future titles are looking to straddle both generations of consoles. Regardless, ...

Great news came out this past week for Xbox fans. Microsoft finally caved into popular demand and reduced the restriction on gaming that the original Xbox One had in store. From a 24-hour online check to only being able to ...

Many things have been said about Metro Last Light, some positive while some negative. We’re also still in a contentious season debating the element of sexism in games. We covered one hotly debated topic featuring Bioshock Infinite, and now we’re ...

The survival horror genre has had its ups and downs recently. Classic survival horror titles like Resident Evil and Silent Hill can no longer deliver the sense of fear and dread like they used to, while smaller indie titles like ...

With the recent week full of news, previews and demos of games at E3, lots of gamers got a sneak peak at upcoming titles. One of the most exciting titles shown at E3 was Bayonetta 2. A demo was available ...

Having judged the games from Microsoft’s E3 2013 conference, it’s time to judge the games shown at Sony’s E3 2013 press conference. Quite a few games were shown, with the majority being multiplatform games. That’s okay though, as we’re here ...

With E3 2013 a day old, we’ve survived one of the most exciting E3’s in recent memory. From Microsoft’s at the start to Sony’s at the end, there were so many games announced. It’s hard to keep count of all ...

E3 2013 is starting tomorrow, and after yesterday’s article looking at the Xbox One and what Microsoft can do to promote its new console, today’s article will focus on Sony’s PS4. E3 2013 PS4 conference will be one of the ...

E3 2013 is just around the corner! While I’m mostly excited for the next-generation of games, part of that is due to the next-generation of consoles. Xbox One will be Microsoft’s offering. A lot of bad press has spread with ...

A few weeks have passed since the release of Metro Last Light. Having read many a glowing review for the game, I set out to try it myself and hoped to be bedazzled by this hidden gem. Unfortunately, all those ...

We’re still fresh on the heels of the outcome of Microsoft’s Xbox One reveal. We’ve had an article detailing an impression of the event, but this article is looking to key in on one very important aspect of the new ...

So, today we witnessed another console unveil this time from Microsoft. After Sony unveiled their new console features earlier in the year and with Nintendo already putting the Wii U on store shelves, this was the next anticipated release. Microsoft ...

This week, Rockstar Games released three new trailers for their upcoming game, Grand Theft Auto V. They released three trailers because each trailer is looking at the three main protagonists in the game: Michael, Franklin and Trevor. While Rockstar Games ...

A recent short teaser by Team Ninja at one of their DOA5 Ultimate Tournaments in Japan has showcased what seems to be an expansion to Dead Or Alive 5. This really could be an expansion or a full-blown update to ...

Nintendo recently announced that it would be skipping the large press conferences that tend to be held at E3 this year. Nintendo E3 2013 will not be as grand this year. Over the past few years, each of the big ...