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If you are looking for a relaxing holiday in 2019, then Thailand beach living is the answer. Thailand not only has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world but also, there is a lot of variety to choose ...

Baltimore is the largest city of Maryland, known to most of the tourists, perhaps, only due to the detective series about the “slaughter department.” More enlightened ones are aware of the fact that the great Edgar Poe lived and published ...

When most people are taking a trip and considering modes of transportation, cars and airplanes are the things that come to mind. They might even think trains or ships, depending on the location. But very few people think of taking ...

Well as time moves on, we have gone from only holidaying locally, to being able to afford with low cost air fares worldwide vacations. Now the latest innovations can help us to have even better breaks, and here are a ...

There is a poem by W.H. Davis called “Off By Heart” that poem kind of summarizes our entire generation. Do read it if and when you get the time. You will see what I mean here. I have worked for ...

High Street Suites located at 455 High Street in Rumford Maine is one of Jim Adinolfi’s current lodging facilities in the area. Jim Adinolfi, the marketing director and owner of the Jadin Hotels, is planning to use the suites to ...

Traveling the world requires money since so many expenses may be incurred during the journey. The real question is how save money for travel. With this question answered, you will be on your way to traveling the world and enjoying ...

Selfies have dominated the social networks for years now. Posting selfies that make you look “nice” and “beautifull” on social media has become and obsession and competition for many. It has become such a popular trend that even companies recognize the potential in ...

Speaking another language is a great skill to have, especially in this day and age of communication when distance is no longer a problem. Different people from different countries around the world are free to communicate at any time, leaving the ...

It is human nature to want to travel and explore things and places we’ve never seen before. Even so, not all of us are up to the challenge of going on long journeys to see all the places we want ...

Happy New Year everyone! We wish you all the best in the new year and hope for a better year than the (disappointing) year 2016 was. We hope you had fun celebrating the arrival of the New Year and are ...

From time when humans were able to create big structures, these monuments of human architecture have become landmarks to the country they were build in. But, even the most majestic structures are doomed to crumble. Over time, each of these majestic ...

There isn’t a place in the world that doesn’t honor the brave souls who have fallen in battle fighting for the freedom of their country. To them we dedicate national holidays, songs, name streets and buildings after them, we erect statues and ...

New York City! One of the most “it” cities in the world, where everything is always going at a pace faster than anywhere else and where things can never get boring. Home of a vastly diverse groups of people, it is ...

It never ceases to amaze jut how much we miss out on by not being able to fly and se the world from a bird’s eye view. Everything looks more amazing and beautiful from above, and at times it even reveals ...

Word are used to specify everything around us and to convey our thought and feelings, no mater what language they belong to. From time to time new words come into existence, to accommodate the new things we create or experience. ...