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Planet Destiny, the comprehensive fan site for the online, first-person shooter video game, Destiny, has purchased Essentially, Planet Destiny wants to be the online fan hub for all things Destiny. The problem with Planet Destiny is that its own Looking ...

Recently, in the latest Bungie Weekly Update, Bungle community manager David “Deej” Dague addressed some of the upcoming features for the next update patch for Destiny. Among the problems with Destiny the new update will address some problems that Deej ...

One thing can definitely be said for the Bungie and Destiny fan community: the fan community does not lacking creativity and ingenuity. If the fan community for Destiny has some criticisms about the game, the community brings out those criticisms ...

For the last six months, I have wanted to see the matchmaking feature integrated into Destiny.  Most of the playable Strikes are organized through matchmaking, unless a pre-organized Fireteam selects to play one. For the difficult missions, such as the ...

Some new screenshots for the Destiny House of Wolves expansion have leaked online (via Polygon). The new images give a hint at what is in store for the future of the game. One particular image suggests that a completely new social ...

One of the more frustrating bugs in Destiny was the heavy ammunition glitch. A player would pick up heavy ammo, and then die. However, that heavy ammo a player just collected would suddenly lessen after each death. Soon after collecting ...

So, Bungie has finally relented in some form. The Weekly Heroic Strikes for Destiny will soon have automatic matchmaking for the game. The Destiny community has been asking Bungie to incorporate this feature for a while, and it is finally happening. ...

This week, announced some new details for the upcoming February update patch for Destiny, Update 1.1.1. One of the biggest changes is the incorporation of a Reputation Panel for the Guardian inventory in Destiny.  . I have wanted to see this ...

In a lengthy post on NeoGAF, Destiny game designer Luke Smith made some statements regarding the future of Destiny and what fans can possibly expect next from the game. Specifically, he was responding to a fan’s post regarding the next upcoming ...

I don’t want to rag on Destiny, but I want to address an issue regarding the random loot drops. Bungie should be able to fix the problem easily. Players and fans might have already seen the video, the legendary treasure ...

Joe Rogan once stated, “You can’t stop the Internet.” With that statement, he simply and eloquently expressed that no matter how strict companies are with trade secrets, financial data and special assets, the Internet will find a way to get ...

After growing incessantly tired of hunting for Raid, Heroic and Nightfall Strike parties, I needed something to provide a greater ease of access to the tougher missions in the Destiny universe. The lack of matchmaking or custom matchmaking services for ... recently updated the website with its first weekly update for Destiny for the new year of 2015. The latest update gives an idea for upcoming gameplay patches for the game that will be coming shortly. So, I would like ...

An image from inside Bungie headquarters for the Destiny franchise was leaked online (via Planet Destiny). The image reveals a great deal of information for future expansions and events that Bungie is planning for the franchise. I would like to ...

Earlier this month, Bungie staff member David “DeeJ” Dague spoke to IGN and explained that the character data from the current Destiny video game will be transferable to the upcoming Destiny 2. Bungie later confirmed that all progress from the first game ...

Destiny is a game that is not without its flaws. The game was one of the biggest releases of the year, and it had a ton of hype for quite some time. I believe Destiny is a good, playable game ...