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Bungie recently revealed that the next downloadable content expansion for the online, first-person shooter, Destiny, will not have any type of Raid content. This was pretty huge news because everyone was expecting a new Raid to go along with the ...

Activision and Treyarch recently revealed two new videos for Call of Duty: Black Ops III. The first video basically sets the stage for the premise of the game. The second video, the official reveal trailer, showcases actual gameplay footage of ...

Some new screenshots for the Destiny House of Wolves expansion have leaked online (via Polygon). The new images give a hint at what is in store for the future of the game. One particular image suggests that a completely new social ...

The marketing machine at Activision for Bungie’s Destiny is as strong as ever. Bungie just released a new launch trailer for the upcoming first downloadable expansion content for Destiny, The Dark Below. The video is available below, and it features ...

As of December 1, Bungie has launched updated 1.1 for Destiny. The update for this week includes some curious changes to Exotic weapons and gear. According to the Destiny development team, the changes for the patch were made in anticipation ...

Blizzard unveiled Overwatch, their new, upcoming first-person shooter game, this week. Along with the announcement of the title, two new trailers were revealed: a CG cinematic trailer and a gameplay trailer. So far, I really enjoy the look and style ...

Apparently, Destiny 2 is already in the works. During an Activision financial earnings conference call, Activision CEO Eric Hirshberg says development has already begun on a new “full game” in the Destiny series. Hirshberg stated, “Work has also begun on future expansion ...

Bungie’s much-hyped release in Destiny has received a great deal of criticism for its story. After a huge release, one of the most outspoken arguments against the game is its rather disjointed, convoluted and frustrating plot. The game throws you into ...

Bungie has officially announced some significant changes for Destiny with the next patch for the game. The 1.0.2 patch will be available next week. Hopefully, the patch will fix some of my major criticisms of the game. The patch includes Cryptarch ...

I don’t want to rag on Destiny, but I want to address an issue regarding the random loot drops. Bungie should be able to fix the problem easily. Players and fans may have already seen the video already, the legendary ...

To the surprise of no one, Destiny is breaking a lot of records. The game had a sizable gigantic budget in the realm of $500 million, and already had $500 million worth of product purchased by first parties and retail. In addition, ...

At this week’s GameStop Expo, I got the opportunity to play Skylanders: Trap Team, the latest installment of the mega-popular Skylanders franchise. Activision provided a guided, hands-off preview of the game at the 2014 San Diego Comic-Con. Unfortunately, I did ...

There is a simple fact that no one can really deny. The marketing and advertising campaign around Destiny is pretty spectacular. Bungie and Activision know how to make some excellent ads for their games. Case in point: the new live-action ...

As you might already know, Bungie’s Luke Smith revealed to IGN that the raids can only be played with friends in the game, with no random matchmaking. At first, I was rather annoyed with the news that the upcoming Destiny game does ...

Activision and Bungie are not letting up with the promotional machine and awe-inspiring videos for Destiny. A new trailer for the game has been released from Gamescom in Cologne, Germany featuring new gameplay footage on the red planet, Mars. The ...

During the 2014 San Diego Comic-Con I got the chance to preview Skylanders: Trap Team, Toys for Bob’s latest installment in the mega-franchise. The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of the game were previewed for hands-off demos only at ...