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WARNING: This review will wholeheartedly document the journey of a complete and utter noob. So the time has come… the next stage of BETA testing for The Elder Scrolls Online has gone public. I must admit, this was a game ...

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was released on November 11th, 2011, and according to Bethesda on their blog, the journey has officially ended. This means that they will no longer be bringing new content to the table in Skyrim. It ...

I’m rapidly approaching the landmark age of 30 and sometimes it all seems like a giant blur to me. The other night I was brushing my teeth and glanced up in the mirror and saw one shiny gray hair staring ...

With two amazing isometric games coming out in the form of Project Eternity and Path of Exile 2013, it looks like the visual format might be making a return from the old SNES days. Isometric games are ones that use ...

Happy New Year, everyone! This week has been very busy and plenty of holiday arts and crafts projects are surfacing. The Pokémon lego builds are pretty cute, but the Big Daddy one sort of trumps them. We finally have official, ...

There seems to be no shortage of politicians seeking to blame violent video games as the cause for the tragic Sandy Hook shooting, as opposed to lax gun control or psychological issues, but a town in Connecticut has decided to ...

2012 was the first year that I entered into both game journalism and game development, and it’s allowed me to see plenty of things in a new perspective. As a journalist, part of the job is finding issues with games ...

2012 is wrapping up pretty nicely, especially since none of those apocalypses ended up happening. As we exchange our calendars and turn over the page for a new year, here is a small wish list of five things I would ...

Christmas is on the horizon, and if you’re stuck trying to figure out what to get a gamer friend or relative, fear no more. Here are several games, all between $15-30 new, that could brighten up someone’s Christmas. 5) Skyrim ...

Finally, the holiday season is really kicking into gear! If you’re lucky enough to snag a vacation, there’s plenty of games to play or to buy as gifts for a lucky someone. The Steam Winter Sale and Humble Indie Bundle ...

It’s been almost a week since the tragic shooting at a Newtown, Connecticut elementary school, and many of us are still stunned. At, we took a moment of silence for the victims and their families and friends affected by ...

I feel like there are some games that come along and just blow the roof off of our expectations in games and that in 2011 Skyrim did exactly that. If you would have asked me if I felt that way ...

This week was full of plenty of rumors and some welcome news: Valve is reaching out to gamers to establish some kind of GameFAQs competitor, the Assassin’s Creed series may have another game in development already, and Bioshock will be ...

This year has been unseasonably warm, at least in America. The temperature’s barely dipped past 50* where I live, and beyond a few snow storms, the north has had pretty warm weather itself. Here are five wintery levels that might ...

2012 had some of the longest games ever released, if you look past all the shorter iOS applications that became proliferous this year. Being a timesink isn’t necessarily a bad thing—in fact, just the opposite. Here are five games of ...

Bethesda have had a tendency in the past to lose focus with their DLC offerings. Whether it be the expansion packs that don’t quite slot in alongside the game they’re meant to be expanding upon or expensive content that offers ...