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After finally carving away a little down time at work, I hopped onto Twitter and saw something unexpected.  Double Fine had gone back to the Kickstarter well that had funded their impending release, Broken Age; this time with a turn-based ...

The fever behind the Kickstarter project OUYA has been a strange sight to behold. Developed with an Android based operating system, for some reason, a lot of people seem to think the console will become a major hit. You can’t ...

A little over a year ago, the Kickstarter craze began. You can trace the roots of the phenomenon to a joint project between 2-Player Productions and video game developer, Double Fine. The project went on to garner $3.3 million and ...

Ambient Studios is a team packed full of talent, with developers from Little Big Planet, Fable, Crysis 3, Battlefield 2, SimCity, along with many other games. They formed the studio so that they could make their games the way they ...

While it might seem like common sense that you can’t sell something that doesn’t physically exist, the option of selling used digital content obtained through services such as Steam or IndieCity is heavily debated in places like Germany. After a ...

Playing like a space-age Oregon Trail, Spatial Flux aims to deliver a text-based adventure with high-quality backgrounds and pixel-based sprites for a retro feel in a modern game. The game will be released on Mac, Linux, PC, and several mobile ...

Homesick is reminiscent of both Dear Esther and Fatal Frame—the beauty of the environment plays a crucial role in the player’s experience, while it can just as easily betray them. It is an adventure game that is inspired by Monkey ...

American McGee, as you may know already, has been responsible for putting twists on classic tales and stories of childhood, and then translating his vision into video games we can enjoy. Some notable examples of his work as designer and ...

Dim Sum Robot #1 is a small game similar to Tiny Tower and Game Dev Story that simulates a business environment on a small-scale level. Made by New York developer Edward Dixon, this game already has many of its features ...

With all the generation six fanfare happening on Pokémon news sites, it’s only natural that this week’s feature is a monster game. Megabits is a game that allows you to gather, locate, collect, and evolve fighting monsters that stay with ...

Happy New Year, everyone! This week has been very busy and plenty of holiday arts and crafts projects are surfacing. The Pokémon lego builds are pretty cute, but the Big Daddy one sort of trumps them. We finally have official, ...

There seems to be no shortage of politicians seeking to blame violent video games as the cause for the tragic Sandy Hook shooting, as opposed to lax gun control or psychological issues, but a town in Connecticut has decided to ...

From the creator of the online comic Guinea Something Good comes a new retro platformer that takes a new perspective on the genre. I mean that literally, since the game will actually spin as you play through, giving the impression ...

This week was rather slow, with everyone distracted by the holidays! I didn’t even manage to finish my Greensleeves redstone composition in Minecraft (although the room for it is all hollowed out, thanks to the help of a friend). I’ll ...

The Kinect has had a lackluster lifetime, with few developers using it as more than a gimmick to translate some dance moves or make their arcade shooter slightly more interactive. It’s rare for the Kinect to have interesting functionality at ...

2012 is wrapping up pretty nicely, especially since none of those apocalypses ended up happening. As we exchange our calendars and turn over the page for a new year, here is a small wish list of five things I would ...