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I don’t mean to be hyperbolic with the title of the article, in many ways 2014 has been a great year for games.  Especially if your games are titled Shovel Knight or Divinity: Original Sin. But see, that’s kind of ...

That summer drought was not playing around, was it?  Things were so dire, you were probably excited about The Sims 4 — before, you know, you played it.  With all the controversy, console warring, and general nonsense that comes with ...

The Con Effect.  I think the phrase serves to describe what we’ve seen explode over the last ten years.  There’s no mistaking it, nerd culture is as big as it ever was, and getting bigger all the time.  From anime ...

I remember asking a friend, “Where do I start with indie games?” I couldn’t tell you the exact date I asked that, much like you couldn’t tell me the exact date you bought your Xbox 360 (unless you’re hoarding the ...

In a heartfelt press conference, featuring Nintendo CEO, Satoru Iwata, Nintendo begged blockbuster publisher Ubisoft to keep making games for their languishing, largely unsupported console.  Forgotten by Activision, ignored by Electronic Arts, Nintendo finds its lone third-party friend trying to ...

I have been hearing people talking about how we might see Gamescom overtake E3 in the next few years in terms of biggest video game conference.  Gamescom has begun to grow at an incredible rate, but I think this year ...

The internet loves a good ol’ fashioned witch hunt, one with flaming torches and raised pitchforks.  We might see these moments of civil unrest a lot in games, but they happen elsewhere.  Watch a few hours of SportsCenter, read some ...

Sony kicked off their 2014 Gamescom recap by announcing the PlayStation 4 has sold over 10 billion units.  “That’s right,” said a confident Jim Ryan, president of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, “We have sold enough PlayStations that everyone the world ...

Microsoft has as a history of unpopular decisions and this summer has been no different.  In only the last few months Microsoft has released the Ebola virus in the United States and made prank phone calls to Israel using Palestine’s ...

I’ve been playing Madden for nearly 20 years.  It was the first game I played on the SEGA Genesis and has followed me throughout my entire life, from Genesis to N64, to PC, to PS2, to PS3, to the current ...

Kim Kardashian is one of the most power and inspirational figures in modern day America.  After living a life of luxury and privilege, she overcame amazing odds and found true fame in the American Dream of whoring one’s life out ...

In a refreshing bit of honesty, Sony recently confirmed that not only have they set a date of June 10th, 2016 for the Uncharted movie, but also confirmed it will be awful.  After the film was announced this past week ...

*** So, here’s the thing, writing reviews for individual Telltale episodes is getting difficult to do.  Trying to review these two-hour chunks of an overarching experience as stand-alone products isn’t really helpful or fair to a what Telltale is trying ...

ACE Team is a developer known for creating interesting games which don’t always deliver a well-polished product.  Their latest game, Abyss Odyssey, in some ways is a continuation of their creative ambitions outstretching their real-world reach, but in other ways ...

As Valve hosts the 4th Annual International, for its wildly popular MOBA, Dota 2, a fog of uncertainty hangs over the KeyArena.  There are many who would debate whether Dota 2 players, or any competitive gamer, would qualify as an ...

The Fall is another game in the growing list of Kickstarter darlings released in 2014.  Set in a future where humanity has become largely reliant on AI assistance in day-to-day life, players assume the role of an AI suit, attempting ...