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Come to think of it, we spend the first 18 years of our lives catching up on what has happened since today. With history being as vast as it is, important events are bound to overlap. Normally, most people would ...

The human race has faced many trials, has survived many wars and natural disasters, and we like to think that we’ve become stronger and wiser for it. Seeing that some mistakes always repeat themselves, it is important to look back ...

It’s normal for there to be an age difference between lovers or spouses, usually a few years wide. However, an age difference bigger than 10 years is still shocking, or at least a hot topic to gossip about. They are many derogative ...

Not everyone likes action movies filled with fighting scenes. However, you’d be hard pressed to find someone who hasn’t seen at least one Jackie Chan movie, even if they didn’t like it. His incredible skills in martial arts, his dedication ...

Facts are always here to entertain our brain. Something that we all look forward to is reading facts about celebrities. We are never tired when it comes to finding out something more about the stars that are around us all ...

The popular Game of Thrones star Tyrion is just awesome. Many fans continue to watch these series just for him. Did you know that he is more awesome off stage? If you don’t know a lot about his personal life ...

The word “Nutella” tells everything you need to know about heaven. Everything. There isn’t anything on this world that could replace a great nutella snack while you are sitting at your home bored to death. Your obsession for nutella is ...

Okay, there are some facts you want to know and there are facts you really want to know. We, humans, are very curious about these facts and you will never know when you will learn something useful. We are open ...

Hearing the truth isn’t always pleasant. I know something like this happened many times. Truth is here to set you free and make you thought about what’s your role in this life. There are many clever people on this planet ...

You know that myth that circles around about blondes? No one proved it! Whatever you do and wherever you go blonde people are everywhere around you. I was just coming to work when I heard some people talking about blondes. ...

Myths have always been here and there isn’t anyone in this world that hasn’t heard about this. We are not talking about some of the myths we heard about some legends living in the past. We are talking about something ...

How do you feel when you knew something your whole life and some random person comes and tells you a totally different truth about it? You feel messed up right? It’s like some meteor fell all the way down on ...

When you are in a case of an emergency you don’t know what will save your life. We did our homework to find something that will come in handy in these scenarios. Some people believe in destiny and they leave ...

Doing well in your life probably makes you miss some of these facts that could be important or interesting for you. There is something in this world that causes death more than the other thing you thought. You will never ...

Movies these days are going in another direction and to be honest I don’t like any of the movies that came out this year. There were some exceptions, but most of them were a total disappointment. That’s why I’m watching ...

Designing a building is not just a project, it is the legacy that the architect will leave to the world. It will be his footprint in history and it may make him famous or infamous. If this sound a bit ...