You Need To Know These 8 Nutella Facts Before You Run To The Store And Buy Another Jar

2 min

The word “Nutella” tells everything you need to know about heaven. Everything.

There isn’t anything on this world that could replace a great nutella snack while you are sitting at your home bored to death.

Your obsession for nutella is vivid and you are doing nothing to hide it.

What I meant was you can’t do anything to hide it!

If you want to justify your Nutella obsession you need these fun facts that will help you understand your obsession.

Let me grab what’s left in the nutella jar here. I’ll be right back.

Oh, while I’m at it, feel free to check these 8 facts about nutella.

1. It’s available for purchase in 75 countries.

1. It's available for purchase in 75 countries.

2. When Napoleon attacked British commerce the price of chocolate skyrocketed. Just to make the supply to last longer, people added hazelnut to their product.

2. When Napoleon attacked British commerce the price of chocolate skyrocketed. Just to make the supply to last longer, people added hazelnut to their product.

3. It’s one of the fastest selling products in the world

3. It's one of the fastest selling products in the world

4. In 2009, Nutella had the third most-liked Facebook page behind Coca-Cola and Barack Obama

4. In 2009, Nutella had the third most-liked Facebook page behind Coca-Cola and Barack Obama.

5. The chocolate and hazelnut spread gianduia, is named after the Italian commedia dell’arte character Gianduja

5. The chocolate and hazelnut spread gianduia, is named after the Italian commedia dell'arte character Gianduja

6. Nutella holds the world record for largest continental breakfast

6. Nutella holds the world record for largest continental breakfast

7. The Smearing is an event where kids grab a slice of bread and visit certain markets for Nutella for free

7. The Smearing is an event where kids grab a slice of bread and visit certain markets for Nutella for free

8. February 5th is World Nutella Day!

8. February 5th is World Nutella Day!

Now you are well equipped.

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