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Sony PlayStation clearly has some big plans to make the PlayStation 4 console a huge destination for multimedia entertainment with the PlayStation Network, PlayStation Vue and PlayStation Now. Digital exclusive entertainment content will debut exclusively for the PlayStation Network in ...

A major sticking point for video game criticism these days concerns graphical, high definition resolution. Will a game make it to 1080p? Does it run at a frame rate of 60fps? Is the game a fake 1080p? It seems the ...

Speaking to the Telegraph, Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Andrew House, apparently addressed the possibility for Sony to return to classic game properties such as Crash Bandicoot or Spyro. Unfortunately, for some years now, Crash Bandicoot has not starred in his own ...

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to notice that this holiday season the big sellers are going to be the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The hype for the two new consoles has been almost unbearable, with fans of both ...

I feel like when it comes to the Xbox One over the past few weeks, the horse has just about been beaten to death with pointing out flaws in Microsoft’s logic and reasoning, so I’m going to hop onto a ...

Earlier today I got my shipment notification that my copy of The Last of Us was on its way to my door, which will cap off what has been a few weeks of reading some truly exceptional reviews for Naughty ...

Having judged the games from Microsoft’s E3 2013 conference, it’s time to judge the games shown at Sony’s E3 2013 press conference. Quite a few games were shown, with the majority being multiplatform games. That’s okay though, as we’re here ...

I hate the term “console war”, so forgive the nod to it in the title of the article.  When I wrote “war” I was not thinking of media buzzwords or obtuse descriptive phrasing (well, maybe the latter), I was thinking ...

The last thing that I was expecting going into these pre-E3 presentations today was that any one console maker would really come out ahead and blow the competition away. I mean, at their core both the Xbox One and PlayStation ...

E3 2013 is starting tomorrow, and after yesterday’s article looking at the Xbox One and what Microsoft can do to promote its new console, today’s article will focus on Sony’s PS4. E3 2013 PS4 conference will be one of the ...

If you’ve been reading the internet, talking to other gamers or just paying attention to anything gaming in general you’ll notice that there is sort of a war of words going on where diehard Xbox fans have been pushed into ...

No matter what your stance is on the Microsoft unveiling of the Xbox One on May 21st it should be incredibly clear that their timing and fumble has just played into the competition’s hands. Both Nintendo and Sony have seen ...

One of the big drawbacks for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 has seemed to be that neither console has any intentions of playing your last generation’s games right off of the disc like you’d wish. Sony has a plan ...

We’re still fresh on the heels of the outcome of Microsoft’s Xbox One reveal. We’ve had an article detailing an impression of the event, but this article is looking to key in on one very important aspect of the new ...

The significance of the Xbox revel event was more than simply naming, showing off, and explaining a new console.  It was the official reigniting of the revivalry between Sony and Microsoft that has grown in intensity over the last console ...

There was something strange that happened in the 1980’s with music, where it kind of felt like anything was possible and there were a lot of bands that were getting picked up by the still new medium that was television ...