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Kojima Productions head and Metal Gear Solid franchise developer Hideo Kojima recently spoke to Famitsu about a potential remake of the classic first Metal Gear Solid for the next-gen consoles like the PlayStation 4. In a media session at the 2015 Taipei ...

Metal Gear Solid is undoubtedly one of gaming’s finest achievements. A few years ago, having not even played a MGS title, I could still have easily identified the trademark gravel voice of David Hayter and the “!” iconography due to ...

March has become one of the biggest months of the year in the games industry.  Between two major trade shows, the biggest spring releases, and huge announcements March has become thirty days worth circling on your calendar.  This past March ...

The recent announcement and trailers for Metal Gear Solid 5 has brought many fond memories back to gamers. Fans of the series will not only have their favourite entries, but also their favourite boss encounters. The new trailer for Metal ...

Part of what makes gaming such a special medium is that gamers have such a strong emotional bond with games that they love. Companies like Nintendo and Sega have understood that and continue to push out titles with characters that ...

There are few occasions where we spend the entirety of playing through ones’ story condemning them to damnation only to have our outlook of this individual turned upside down in the final act. The anti-hero is a literary character who, ...

Growing up as a gamer, there have been plenty of titles that I have had the pleasure of playing that have been burnt into my brain. Whether they were titles that I enjoyed playing with my brother well into the ...

On my journey through the world wide web, I’ve learned that just about anything is for sale. Looking for a drivable replica of the Ecto I or a life sized Predator bust? No matter what it is you’re searching for, ...

To say I am a Metal Gear fan would be an understatement. Since my introduction to the series in 1998, I have credited Metal Gear Solid as being the game that dragged me into the abyss that is the life ...