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It is nearly April. That means convention season is about to pick up in a big way. With the start of convention season comes the buildup for 2015 Electronic Entertainment Expo in June. Thus far, I have organized a list ...

It’s that time of the year again. Soon, gamers will descend upon the Los Angeles Convention Center for the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo.  Convention season is well under way, and developers, publishers and electronic makers alike will be showing off ...

I think that it is safe to say that just about everyone in the world of gaming has been scratching their heads over Microsoft’s odd choice of DRM requirements on the Xbox One. The console itself is on par with ...

Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, blah, blah, blah.  Let’s face it, in the end consoles are just expensive, giants blocks of hardware taking up space on our entertainment center.  Let’s not bicker and argue about who kill who–points if you picked up ...

Having judged the games from Microsoft’s E3 2013 conference, it’s time to judge the games shown at Sony’s E3 2013 press conference. Quite a few games were shown, with the majority being multiplatform games. That’s okay though, as we’re here ...

I hate the term “console war”, so forgive the nod to it in the title of the article.  When I wrote “war” I was not thinking of media buzzwords or obtuse descriptive phrasing (well, maybe the latter), I was thinking ...

With E3 2013 a day old, we’ve survived one of the most exciting E3’s in recent memory. From Microsoft’s at the start to Sony’s at the end, there were so many games announced. It’s hard to keep count of all ...

The last thing that I was expecting going into these pre-E3 presentations today was that any one console maker would really come out ahead and blow the competition away. I mean, at their core both the Xbox One and PlayStation ...

If you’ve been reading the internet, talking to other gamers or just paying attention to anything gaming in general you’ll notice that there is sort of a war of words going on where diehard Xbox fans have been pushed into ...

In less than a week we will be knee-deep in the biggest event of the video game year.  The Electronic Entertainment Expo is known providing show stopping announcements and lighting the way forward for the video game industry.  With the ...

E3 is sort of a tradition in gaming, seen as the granddaddy of the big gaming expos, which have branched out into what feels like one per month now. Back before there were a million PAX shows and Gamescoms there ...

It’s been nearly three months since Sony revealed the PlayStation 4 and signaled the first shot in the next generation of console gaming (no offense to Nintendo).  Since then Sony has been making good use of their headstart, announcing a ...

Nintendo recently announced that it would be skipping the large press conferences that tend to be held at E3 this year. Nintendo E3 2013 will not be as grand this year. Over the past few years, each of the big ...

Here in America, we have a bit of an obsession with pageantry.  We don’t simply like to announce things or congratulate people, we like to do so with fireworks, laser lights, and a musical act.  We like have ceremonies, presentations, ...

I’ve touched on this before, in fact I reference it quite frequently. And I’m glad to see that a great deal of people feel the same way about it. The Tablet. There is just something fundamentally acceptable about the Tablet. ...

So in this conclusion to the summarized version of the GSP, we are going to think about the future of games, and how different it is likely to be. The predicted change from the last couple of years has change ...