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The imprisoned Panamanian dictator, Manuel Noriega, is suing Activision for his depiction in the game Call of Duty: Black Ops II. Noriega claims that the game used his name and likeness without his permission, and he believes that his portrayal in ...

Maybe it’s Infinity Ward. Maybe it’s the exciting buzz of the ‘next generation’. Or maybe it’s the fact I’m actually good at this one… Yet to me, Call of Duty: Ghosts is as fresh and entertaining as the COD franchise ...

Battlefield 4’s release is coming up quickly, as it is slated to be released on October 29th in the United States. As always, it will be released in the Fall when there are a lot of other huge releases coming ...

Some people got into a huff yesterday when game designer Warren Spector spoke out against Wolfenstein: The New Order as yet another “adolescent male power fantasy” first person shooter to hit the market. He of course apologized today, kind of. ...

We hear about the battle of the mega first person shooter franchises regularly now, with both Activision and EA locked in mortal combat against each other, both releasing a new title every year in hopes of crushing their opposition — ...

A recent Youtube video by an Activision employee has reignited speculation as to whether the next Call Of Duty game will be announced soon. The Call Of Duty series still manages to sell games by the truckload even in today’s ...

The military shooter has been around for the majority of video game history.  The concept, execution, and–most importantly–sales of these games is fairly simple and can often show off the current power of gaming platforms.  With Call of Duty: Modern ...

The past few days have been exciting ones for fans of first person shooters as both Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty: Ghosts have started to see some information leak out into the public eye. Obviously Battlefield 4 will be ...

Undoubtedly, the biggest game franchise of the current generation of consoles and PC gaming is Call Of Duty. Whether you like the games or you find them tedious and lacking innovation, the Call Of Duty series has become a gaming ...

Infinity Ward have had a bit of a storied past, as the original team that introduced the world to Call of Duty and who have created a bunch of games in the series since then. Call of Duty really took ...

Sequels are like flies, they seem to only show up when you least want them to be around and when one shows up you can expect many more to follow. That isn’t to say that all sequels are bad, because ...

There has been a battle raging over the last few years between the first person shooter games with two names sticking out as the leaders of the pack; Call of Duty and Battlefield. Both series are from big publishers and ...

While it might seem like common sense that you can’t sell something that doesn’t physically exist, the option of selling used digital content obtained through services such as Steam or IndieCity is heavily debated in places like Germany. After a ...

Unfortunately, it’s that time of the month when we talk about violence and video games again. In 2011, the US Supreme Court ruled that there was no proof violent video games increased violence in minors, and yet here we are ...

I’m rapidly approaching the landmark age of 30 and sometimes it all seems like a giant blur to me. The other night I was brushing my teeth and glanced up in the mirror and saw one shiny gray hair staring ...

With two amazing isometric games coming out in the form of Project Eternity and Path of Exile 2013, it looks like the visual format might be making a return from the old SNES days. Isometric games are ones that use ...