The Keys to Call of Duty: Ghosts’ Success or Failure

2 min

The past few days have been exciting ones for fans of first person shooters as both Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty: Ghosts have started to see some information leak out into the public eye. Obviously Battlefield 4 will be the tried-and-true game to come out this year, with the team behind BF4 having a strong history with the Battlefield games, but when it comes to Call of Duty, there is definitely a lot of questions in the minds of many fans as to what this iteration of Infinity Ward can bring to the table. The Call of Duty games are ten years old with Call of Duty: Ghosts and a lot of the formula has not changed much, which is both good and bad. It is time to look at some surefire ways to assure the next game’s success.

Better maps. This feels like a bit of a no-brainer, but when it comes to games like Call of Duty and Battlefield that are multiplayer-driven, one of the most important parts of the game will always be, without a shadow of a doubt, the maps. Maps can make or break a multiplayer-heavy game, as this is where players will be spending a lot of their time. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare had some of the absolute best maps for a multiplayer game at the time that really accentuated the strengths of the Call of Duty games. The same cannot be said for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, whose maps felt disjointed and didn’t have that same flow to them. On the other hand, Treyarch’s Black Ops and Black Ops II have a few maps that utilize classic gameplay elements and flow naturally, making for immensely fun times to be had.

Bring back vehicles. The Call of Duty games have experimented with vehicles in the past, sometimes good, sometimes poor, always interesting. Part of what sets the Battlefield games apart from the Call of Duty games has been how well-utilized and balanced the vehicles are in those games, something that we’ve yet to really see in Call of Duty games. It is one thing to have a perk to call in an attack chopper and to control the weapons, it is another thing to have a well-balanced use of a vehicle on a map to enhance your gameplay. This would mean bigger maps and having to carefully design each map to keep the same, chokepoint-laden style of gameplay but with open areas for sniping and vehicles as well.

More focus on multiplayer, less on single player. Look, the Call of Duty games have had a great history of providing some really killer single player campaigns over the years, but we have really reached a point of critical mass where on average, most players are spending all of their time on the multiplayer and little or none in the single player. Celebrity voices, expensive, Hollywood-level scripts and everything else is all well and good, but if it detracts from time and money that could be spent on the game’s actual bread and butter of online multiplayer, no thanks. Launching with more maps and modes in multiplayer would definitely make for a better experience almost across the board.

So there you have it. What are your thoughts on the upcoming Call of Duty: Ghosts? Do you want to see better maps, more maps and maybe some vehicles sprinkled in? Let us know.

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  1. Call of duty should encorporate battlefield size maps, and vehichles. Adding this would eventually kill the battlefield series for good.

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