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There were huge announcements this week, with Valve confirming the Steam Box and rumors about the XBOX 720’s specs starting to spread. It’s only a matter of time before solid news about Microsoft’s next console appears. Personally, I’ve spent the ...

This week was rather slow, with everyone distracted by the holidays! I didn’t even manage to finish my Greensleeves redstone composition in Minecraft (although the room for it is all hollowed out, thanks to the help of a friend). I’ll ...

If you picked up a copy of Borderlands 2 last week, you’ve probably heard all about the Gearbox Shift program. Unfortunately, there still seems to be a large number of people who are unsure on what the service provides, and how to ...

When the original Borderlands was announced, there were quite a few skeptics in the gaming world. The concept was intriguing, but the setting and “wasteland” look made some people criticize the title for being a Fallout 3 ripoff. What we received, however, was one ...

The nights are getting longer, and that can only mean one thing: Summer is ending, fall is coming, Halloween is near. Each Halloween season, I find myself diving into realms unknown with the help of any number of survival horror ...

I’ve touched on this before, in fact I reference it quite frequently. And I’m glad to see that a great deal of people feel the same way about it. The Tablet. There is just something fundamentally acceptable about the Tablet. ...

So in this conclusion to the summarized version of the GSP, we are going to think about the future of games, and how different it is likely to be. The predicted change from the last couple of years has change ...

So here in part 2 of the GSP we will talk about how the increase in online gaming, and all of it’s ramifications, both good and bad are changing the way we are. I would like to first draw attention ...

The “Gaming Social Paradigm”, is something I’ve been considering for quite some time. It brings up interesting conversation and it can be used in a number of arguments to support various claims. The GSP is a look at how Video ...

While many equate the beginning of autumn as the inevitable return to schooling, there are a select few that find themselves overwhelmed for completely different reasons. Whereas textbooks and notebooks account for the bulk of money spent for the more ...

I cannot wait for this game. I’m literally counting down the days on a calender. And it’s this excitement that has driven me to pulling up some new details for the masses. But we will get around to that in a moment, ...