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‘Is it someone new?’ asks the preacher in BioShock Infinite, poetically harking back to the ghoulish splicer’s welcoming sentiment in 2007’s BioShock. Back in March 2013, this was just sheer fan service – an intelligent pat on the back for ...

Metro: Last Light is one of those games that hardcore gamers have been waiting to see released for a while now, with some snags encountered with THQ’s going out of business and subsequent fire sale. Even with all of those ...

BioShock Infinite received critical acclaim when it released on March 26th and was one of the most anticipated games of 2013. This success is largely due to Irrational Games’ legacy and the overall success of the original BioShock. As of ...

Near the beginning of BioShock Infinite, the protagonist and all-around bad ass, Booker DeWitt, is forced to undergo a bit of a forced baptism to continue his mission into the depths of Columbia. The player is at that moment tasked ...

As of right now we are early into April, which means that we’ve only passed the quarter mark for the year-to-date and without a doubt the Game of the Year so far is BioShock: Infinite. Outside of a few minor ...

Recent rants by Anita Sarkeesian regarding the promotion of male adolescent power fantasies within video games has reignited the concern of sexism in video games. While I whole-heartedly disagree with her slanted views, it was hard not to take notice ...

March has become one of the biggest months of the year in the games industry.  Between two major trade shows, the biggest spring releases, and huge announcements March has become thirty days worth circling on your calendar.  This past March ...

Alright, so the first part of this top 5 section regarding Bioshock Infinite is up here. That’s talking about some of the lower points of the game. This article will focus on the positives and why Bioshock Infinite is still ...

Ken Levine and the crew at Irrational Games do a lot of things extremely well, but that doesn’t mean that they do everything up to that standard. There are some parts of the BioShock games that have been some of ...

BioShock Infinite has affected me beyond all doubt. I’ve not stopped thinking about it for the past few days – those final 17 minutes playing in repeat over and over in my mind like a ‘tear’ in my brains space-time ...

When Ken Levine speaks, people listen.  After getting a flurry of high praise reviews, the creative director and co-founder of Irrational games can say that he is chiefly responsible for two of the greatest games in this console generation.  The ...

A part of any artistic entertainment medium is the ability for that medium to force a mirror upon its audience and make them come to grips with the reality that surrounds them. Social commentary has been around for as long ...

Story matters. There, I have said and now it is out there, on the internet for as long as the internet will exist. Gaming has a rather auspicious history when it comes to story in games, as at its very ...

Releasing in just a few days time, Bioshock Infinite will be one of 2013’s biggest releases in the gaming world. Many gamers have been eagerly awaiting the game ever since it was announced. Some speculated that it was going to ...

2013 is looking like it could be the last year for the current generation of consoles (for PS3 and Xbox 360 at least). Next-gen consoles look like they’ll release later this year or early next year, snaring attention away from ...

The first Bioshock was an amazing game with a clever method of telling its story.  The Player arrives in a fascinating place shortly after an interesting event has happened.  It isn’t about experiencing the fall of Rapture, it’s about unearthing ...