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Battlefield 4’s release is coming up quickly, as it is slated to be released on October 29th in the United States. As always, it will be released in the Fall when there are a lot of other huge releases coming ...

We hear about the battle of the mega first person shooter franchises regularly now, with both Activision and EA locked in mortal combat against each other, both releasing a new title every year in hopes of crushing their opposition — ...

The other day I touched upon some of the challenges that we’ll see for the upcoming struggle of Battlefield 4 vs. Call of Duty: Ghosts, outlining some of the features that the upcoming Call of Duty could include to make ...

Yesterday EA released the games that they will be giving to SimCity players for all the server hiccups (or heart failures) that the game has had since launch.  In the article I wrote last week about the SimCity debacle, I ...

There has been a battle raging over the last few years between the first person shooter games with two names sticking out as the leaders of the pack; Call of Duty and Battlefield. Both series are from big publishers and ...

I’ve touched on this before, in fact I reference it quite frequently. And I’m glad to see that a great deal of people feel the same way about it. The Tablet. There is just something fundamentally acceptable about the Tablet. ...

So in this conclusion to the summarized version of the GSP, we are going to think about the future of games, and how different it is likely to be. The predicted change from the last couple of years has change ...

So here in part 2 of the GSP we will talk about how the increase in online gaming, and all of it’s ramifications, both good and bad are changing the way we are. I would like to first draw attention ...

The “Gaming Social Paradigm”, is something I’ve been considering for quite some time. It brings up interesting conversation and it can be used in a number of arguments to support various claims. The GSP is a look at how Video ...