The Keys to Battlefield 4’s Success or Failure

2 min

The other day I touched upon some of the challenges that we’ll see for the upcoming struggle of Battlefield 4 vs. Call of Duty: Ghosts, outlining some of the features that the upcoming Call of Duty could include to make for a better game. Neither the Battlefield or Call of Duty series are immune from criticism, though, and as much as Call of Duty could use some improvements, so could the Battlefield games. Battlefield began with a bang in 2002 with Battlefield 1942 and has seen a slew of releases since then. Battlefield 4 will be the fourth “major” title in the series and will continue in the same vein as Battlefield 3.

Battlefield 3 saw a few additions that upset the diehard fans, some of which were part of a natural evolution, some to compete with Call of Duty. Now it’s time to look at what DICE can do to help make the game a success.

More infantry maps. Some fans were quick to decry some of the smaller, infantry-based maps, but I’m not sure if I’ve ever played any maps that were as fun as the ones released in the Close Quarters DLC last year for Battlefield 3. The maps were not small, by any means, but small enough to where there was no room for vehicles. While vehicles are a huge part of the Battlefield series, having variety helps a lot. Close Quarters did Call of Duty better than Call of Duty has done in quite a while, as the maps were all designed to near-perfection.

Wider array of vehicles on larger maps. Let’s face it, we all love using the vehicles in Battlefield games and they are all balanced quite well, but sometimes some of the maps lack a variety of vehicles. We saw this in Rush Mode specifically in Battlefield 3, where some of the maps were limited in where you could go to, which was great, but usually in the start of a map there will be limited, if not no access to vehicles at all. While we understand that some of the maps were a bit too small to provide tanks and jets right away, smaller vehicles like jeeps and buggies would be great to break up the action.

Try to create similar game experiences on PC and console versions. The PC has long-been king when it comes to games like this and in the case of Battlefield 3, the differences were far too extreme. Not only were the visuals in a whole different league, but the amount of players per map was in some cases doubled, allowing players on the PC to have an incredible, full Battlefield experience while those on the console were limited. A lot of this had to do with hardware limitations on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, but next generation consoles should not have this limitation, nor should the visuals be that different. We’ve already heard rumors about more players per map, but this would absolutely be a huge deal for Battlefield and set it worlds apart from its competitors.

These are just a few examples of what DICE could do with Battlefield 4 to help push it into being a breakaway success. Share your thoughts on the upcoming Battlefield 4 and what you’d like for it to feature in the comments below.


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