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No matter your preference, you can’t deny that skull tattoos look cool. Each tattoo artist has done at least one skull tattoo in their career, but few can bring out the true macabre beauty that can only come for a bare ...

The UV-light lamps or black lights were invented in the 1960’s, but the 1970’s made full use of them in the best way ever: for making parties glow. And the party is still going. Black light art was all the rage ...

When you have talent for something nothing should discourage you or get in your way. 15-year old Aleksey Romanov from Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia is a living proof of that. Despite being born with a genetic disorder which left him with ...

The ways in which we can represent the 12 signs of the zodiac are positively infinite, but not all representations are received kindly by the general public. Considering the zodiac sign as part of one’s identity, many people have problems ...

Navel or lower belly tattoos are a more common choice for women rather than men and the design chosen is usually some small shape or peeking from one side of the pants’ waistline. Is is a cute and sexy choice, but ...

Recycling, reusing, re-purposing, searching for green ways to do things, it’s all in favor of protecting  the environment. These green methods are slowly finding their ways into everyday life, so why not art as well. Brazilian artist Christian Pierini aka Mister ...

Did an innocent 3-year old boy’s lifeless body had to get washed ashore to make the world open its eyes to the countless Syrian refugees seeking sanctuary? Apparently so. The tragic image of Aylan Kurdi lying face down on a Turkish ...

To create a true techno masterpiece you need electronic instruments or if you don’t know how to play them there is always the techno music software that helps you make your own music on the computer But what about playing on pots and pans? ...

No matter how much we say otherwise, all of us are concerned with looks. We like to say things like “beauty is on the inside”, but the fact is that no one will bother getting to know you if you ...

Students from every country, even from different schools have their own way of saying “goodbye” to their high school, but the sentiment is the same everywhere: doing something together for the last time, before everyone goes their separate ways. The ...

The hip hop culture has been around since the 1970’s and like with many pop genres it has establish its own trademark characteristics. The sound of the music, the message it carries and the fashion it follows, they are all ...

Keeping the position of the boss’s right hand man or woman takes a lot out of anyone. Sometimes you might feel like you have use your feet to take notes or to bend over backwards just to get everything done ...

The main decoration for Halloween is the smiling lit face of the Jack-O-Lantern.The holiday simply isn’t’ complete without a pumpkin with a scary face carved in it strategically places around the home to scare your pants off. Many prefer the ...

Before this generation greatly expanded the capabilities of consoles games, developers had to work around console restrictions if they wanted to publish a game. Even if they could have better graphics or design new areas, certain things had to be ...

Trying to name the best displays in pixel art is a difficult task—after all, the majority of games had pixel art for graphics up until 3D became a possibility. Along with that, there are several indie and app games that ...