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Last week in a quarterly report, Blizzard Entertainment announced that their giant MMO, World of Warcraft, had lost 1.3 million subscribers. This news, as is almost expected, has created a lot of talk especially among the community. Like always, whenever ...

Last week, the fourth and final wing of the Throne of Thunder became available to players. With all of the LFR now available, it is fair to start comparing this patch with the previous patches. One of the first difference ...

With Mists of Pandaria, one of Blizzard’s main goals is to give players more content they can do by themselves or within small groups. This is shown with many of the new features, such as the Brawlers Guild and Scenarios, ...

Patch 5.2 has been live for less than a month, yet Blizzard is already giving information out for the next patch. The biggest news that has been released is that the upgrade vendor, which was recently removed will be returning ...

Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty quickly became one of the most popular RTS games in history, as well as a huge platform for competitive gaming. This set the stage for Starcraft 2’s second installment, Heart of the Swarm. With as ...

It has been almost an ongoing joke within the WoW community. Daily quests have been implemented in every patch thus far and some players, either jokingly or complainingly say that World of Warcraft has become nothing but dailies. Though this ...

It has been a while since I have added a new addition to my “supposed to be” weekly blog about World of Warcraft. It was not because I have not been playing WoW, but rather nothing new came up that ...

With the release of Heart of the Swarm a week away, and the beta for it now being offline, I feel it is a good time to take a step back and look at how I feel about the complete ...

Most of the articles I have written before these have been talking about specific units that will be coming to Starcraft in the upcoming expansion. However, I wanted to change gears and talk about something slightly different today; the change ...

Mists of Pandaria’s second major patch, 5.2, is on the horizon. This patch has many players excited with new things such as dailies, a new raid, and many other changes to the game. For now, much of the community is ...

  Saying I have been impressed by what I have experienced on the HotS Beta over the past few weeks would be a huge understatement. Every race has gotten new units that fit nicely into current unit compositions, while also ...

One of the things I am most excited about Heart of the Swarm is the fact that Protoss players are getting more options then just Robotics Bay play. Protoss’s will definitely start to use the Stargate more with the addition ...

A couple of weeks ago I got my invite to the Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm beta. I was already excited for this expansion, but being able to play on the ladder has gotten me even more excited, especially ...

Patch 5.2 is on the horizon for World of Warcraft, and with it many changes that has the community excited. Among these changes are a new raid and a new daily quest hub. Another change that will come is to ...

With the announcement of the next World of Warcraft patch, there has been a lot of excitement around the community. As an avid forum goer, I have been doing my best to keep up on this conversation. While doing so, ...

Today, World of Warcraft’s Facebook page released a teaser-photo saying that patch 5.2 will be coming to the PTR in early January. With this patch, among other things, will be Tier 15, the second raiding tier of Mists of Pandaria. ...