Destiny: Breakdown of Future Updates


In the latest Bungie Weekly Update, community manager David “Deej” Dague laid out some items that will likely appear in future game updates for Destiny. Fans have been asking for some of these things for a while. Other features might not work out as effectively as Bungie promises. However, I am happy to see some tweaks getting made to the game. I hope that with the promising ideas mentioned by Deej, other more progressive changes are on the horizon.

The most promising item mentioned in Deej’s update is a way for matchmade teammates to speak with each other. Based on Deej’s statement, the ability to chat with teammates for matchmade Strikes will be optional. That would be excellent. I hope the option is also there for Crucible matches in multiplayer. The ability to chat with teammates for Salvage, Control and Skirmish sessions would be extremely helpful.

In addition, Deej spoke about tweaks to the Exotic weapons, so the weapons would become stronger and more interesting to upgrade. As of now, I would say many of the Legendary weapons are on par with some of the Exotic weapons. Since the Exotic weapons are so difficult to acquire, they should be extremely powerful, and even a cut above the Legendary weapons. The upgrades for Exotics should provide more powerful attachments and new abilities for the weapons. For example, one change I would like to see is for an Exotic rocket launcher to gain a maximum amount of ammo, instead of a maximum of two rockets before reloading. Double the rockets at four or five in the barrel would be better.

Another change mentioned pertains to new shaders for gear. The idea of just new shaders for gear does not really excite me. It would be interesting to see many more customization options for gear and weaponry. For the most part, the Guardian Outfitter in the Tower, Eva Levante, has had the exact same shader colors available since the launch of the game. Essentially, this makes Levante useless for wanting to customize the characters with new shaders. Levante should offer new colors fairly instead of the same boring selection each time. In addition, I would like to customize the gear beyond merely the color. If I want the gear to look a certain way, even after I get to a certain level, I would like options for the look of the helmets or chest pieces.

Deej also mentioned that the Cryptarch would be more “generous” but “he’ll still be sort of a bastard.” Well, thanks, I guess. The Cryptarch ranking system in the game is basically pointless. Getting a higher rank with the Cryptarch does not really mean anything in terms of gameplay. Deej’s statement does not inspire confidence that Bungie will significantly fix the problem.

At least a few of the changes sound promising. Hopefully, the chat option arrives soon. I still see no reason why there cannot be matchmaking for Weekly Strikes, Nightfall Strikes and the Raids. The game really needs a trading system. I have heard the reasons not to have the trading system, and they are quite flimsy.

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