Top 5 Best Batman Video Games

Batman: Arkham City

With the upcoming release of Batman: Arkham Knight on the horizon, I want to take a look at, what I believe, are the five best video games based on the character. This will look similar to the Top 5 Spider-Man Video Games list. The list focuses singularly on solo-Batman video game titles. So, titles in which Batman is a playable character, such as Justice League: Heroes and Injustice: Gods Among Us, do not count.

HONORABLE MENTION: Batman: Vengeance

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This was actually a bit of a tough one. I was kind of torn to put the Atari Lynx version of Batman Returns here as well. Batman: Vengeance is a bit of an underrated game, and it falls just short of breaking into the elite top 5. This was a great 3D adaptation of the sequel series to Batman: The Animated Series, which was The New Adventures of Batman. The game features some great cutscenes and voice acting that is faithful to the animated series. In terms of gameplay, it is no Arkham City, but I think it did a fairly decent job of being a new 3D Batman game with his various gadgets and abilities.

5. Batman Returns (SNES)

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For its time, this was probably my favorite Batman game ever. Basically, this is Final Fight done as a Batman game, but it worked great. This is also a rare movie-based game that was really good. The SNES version, with its mechanics, superior graphics, animation and gameplay, far surpassed the Genesis version. The combat was great. The Batmobile stage was a lot of fun, the controls were smooth and fluid. If you ever get the chance to play this game, I highly recommend it.

4. The Adventures of Batman & Robin (SNES)

The Super Nintendo version of this game was, without hyperbole, the best edition. The SNES version possessed the better character models, graphics and level design. This game was a fun platformer that did a great job of capturing the look of the classic Batman: The Animated Series show. It even had a Batmobile stage, and some 3D graphics that were quite impressive for their time.

3. Batman: Arkham Origins

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Was Arkham Origins a perfect game? No, it was not.  It did not manage to be as good as Asylum or City, but it was a solid game title. Although the game had glitches and framerate issues, the story was excellent and superior to the previous two installments of the Arkham franchise. Also, I liked the changes in the gameplay, such as scoring and grading your combat and predator encounters. The Batcave, as well as the ability to train and build your skills during the actual game whenever you wanted, were great additions to the game. Another awesome feature was the addition of the Knightfall and Adam West costumes as alternate costume skins.

2. Batman: Arkham Asylum

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Two words best sum up the results of Batman: Arkham Asylum: game changer. At the time of Arkham Asylum’s release, few really expected just how amazing and good it would be. More than any other previous Batman game, Asylum truly made the player feel like the Dark Knight, due to the use of various gadgets, the combat, glide abilities and the stealth mechanics. The team at Rocksteady Games refined an excellent combat and counter system for the game that many tried to copy but could never truly emulate. The stealth areas truly made the player feel like a vigilante beast that was toying with criminals; plus, it had a dark and creepy storyline that were never really pulled it off in prior Batman games.

1. Batman: Arkham City

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This is, without a doubt, the ultimate Batman game. The game provided a massive campaign with some fun side quests, a tremendous storyline, great voice acting by Kevin Conroy as Batman and Mark Hamill as Joker, and tremendous gameplay. The story did have its issues, but Hamill and the developers brought the Batman and Joker to a level it has almost never taken before. The game enhanced the elements that made Batman: Arkham Asylum great and made theme even better. Plus, it had the added bonus of an additional story campaign where you get to play as Catwoman, who has a completely unique play style. I especially liked the unique boss experiences in the game. Mr. Freeze was basically like the ultimate predator room boss. Beating him on New Game+ was like taking the One Ring to Mount Doom.

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