Looking Ahead to 2015: The Top Five Game Titles for Next Year

With the first half of 2014 already in the books and E3 set for next week, the video game world will soon see a much better picture of games on the horizon over the course of the next two years.  Today, let’s take a look at the titles I’m most excited about for next year. Some titles did not make the list because of the lack of official or confirmed release dates for 2015.  So, as much as I want to put Uncharted 4 on this list, it’s not locked in for 2015.  It could very well be out on the shelves before the year ends.

5. Halo 5: Guardians

[youtube url=”http://youtu.be/Gc5axdDA7gU”]

The mainline Halo series will finally continue next year with a new installment following the saga of Master Chief.  343 Industries and Xbox boast that the sequel will have a new, more powerful engine.  What’s more, the release will coincide with the Steven Spielberg-produced Halo television series, which will be available on Xbox Live, and most likely, Showtime.  One thing is for sure: 2015 will be a huge year for Halo fans.

4. Quantum Break

[youtube url=”http://youtu.be/6XOj2ZwE6_Y”]

I’ve been avidly awaiting this title from the makers of Alan Wake since last year.  This new vision from Remedy Entertainment appears as if it will combine epic, involved cinematic storytelling with third-person shooter gameplay.  Based on previously released videos, the gameplay style looks evocative of the Uncharted series.  It appears from the footage that somehow time can be wielded as a weapon.  Quantum Break will be anchored by a live-action TV series; but unlike the Halo TV series, which is a standalone show, the Quantum Break video game will impact the TV show–and vice versa.  It will be interesting to see how that plays out.

3. Mortal Kombat X

[youtube url=”http://youtu.be/Ci6lMQNLKZU”]

The next installment of Mortal Kombat was finally revealed this week, and it will be released in 2015.  NetherRealm Studios did a tremendous job with their reboot of the franchise in 2011; and then, they followed that up with a great DC fighting game, Injustice: Gods Among Us.  Now, NetherRealm will get a chance to play with the new-gen consoles and graphics.  I can’t wait to see more of this title in the coming months.

2. The Order: 1886

[youtube url=”http://youtu.be/e_p_TFtrqlg”]

This PS4-exclusive title looks more intriguing and exciting with each new video released.  The setting and style of this game look fantastic.  The Order appears to be a fun mix of Steampunk and medieval styles.  The graphics and visuals look top-notch.  The idea I like the most though, is that in this alternate version of history, the line of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table continues until the 1800s as they battle rebels and vicious mutant beasts.  However, the videos released so far give me the impression that the story is very complex, and there could be a great many shades of gray to the story as well.

1.  The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

[youtube url=”http://youtu.be/xPiqRR5tPMI”]

I think it’s a good thing that CD Projekt Red opted to delay the game until February 2015. Clearly, they needed more time to make this an exceptional game experience, and The Witcher series of games is truly like high art.  You can’t rush art.  Having sat in on the first-look presentation for the game last year, I can tell you the sheer scope and scale of this game looks massive.  I’m most excited about the franchise finally making its Sony PlayStation debut.  I’m also really looking forward to stepping back into the boots of Geralt of Rivia and hopefully getting some lingering questions from The Witcher 2 answered.

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