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There was a story cycling the net a long time ago about a couple of church-goers who would pray in front of a Jesus statue for hours every few days or so. The priests thought they were dedicated followers until ...

Construction work isn’t as easy and clear cut as it seems. It takes a lot of planing, taking into consideration countless things from aesthetics to functionality. So, with so many things to think about,mistakes are bound to happen, even when ...

Getting creeped out while walking down the street or in your home is something you might expect on Halloween, not on a normal day. Yet, creepy things do happen and there’s nothing we can do about it. Except maybe capturing the ...

Like all details at a wedding, the wedding photos simply must be perfect. After all, the happy couple will have to look at these photos for the rest of their lives, and even show them to the generations that follow. ...

Accidents and unpleasant things happen to each of us every day. Some are minor and we simply brush them off and think nothing of them. Yet, sometimes those small things can take us to a boiling point. Things like slow internet connection, ...

Youtube is a place of endless opportunities. Aside from being a vast source of shared knowledge in every area. it is also where every one of us can have their five minutes of fame, find a new way to earn a living, ...

There are many reasons we choose to dine at a restaurant. One is because we like to try different things, another is because we are not in the mood to cook our own food, but one thing we don’t think ...

The Mohawk hairstyle has been around for thousands of years. It has gone through quite some changes, and while in the past is was considered quite a common hairstyle among the people of the nation where it originated, today it ...

In the past everyone dreaded receiving that one ugly sweater for Christmas, usually hand-knit by a caring grandmother or great-aunt. And if you happened to be the unlycky recipient of this traditional Christmas present, you had to go through the ...

Starting out a new business is always a trial and a gamble. There are million and one things to take into account, and every detail can make the difference between success and failure. Of all the things need considering, how ...

The sacred ritual of matrimony is a special occasion, but many of the modern-day brides and grooms don’t want just a wedding, but a spectacle that will be remembered for a long, long time. Breaking away from tradition is sometimes good, and we’ve seen ...

Despite having nearly anything for everything these days, there are still people who manage to push the boundary of innovation and do something never seen before… But that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good. We’ve seen some pretty awful and useless inventions ...

Billboards’ designs can be a bit tricky to design, given that they need to convey a message that can be understood with a glance by people while driving their car. Even so, they’ve proven to be very effective advertising tool, so there are ...

In a world where taking pictures is starting to become a daily activity, being a non-photogenic person can be a bit unnerving. Luckily we have many photo-editing tools that can make the impossible possible. Those programs offer endless creative editing possibilities, that ...

Black and white images hold their own charm and beauty. Without the distraction of the beautiful colors, you start noticing things you didn’t expect. And in some cases you’d wish that it would’ve stayed that way. While modern black and ...

T-shirts with word and sayings can have anything and everything written on them, but what people choose the most is something with a funny or sarcastic tone. The 30 people you are about to see most definitely regretted their t-shirt choice more than once. ...