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Pixwox is an online platform that offers users the ability to view and download content from public Instagram profiles without the need for logging in or revealing their identity. Serving as both a viewer and a downloader, it provides accessibility ...

Have you ever played a game on your smartphone that will “wake up” that competitive side of yours? – If you haven’t found the proper game for that, try Sumo Smash. This FREE iOS game just wants to know if ...

*** So, here’s the thing, writing reviews for individual Telltale episodes is getting difficult to do.  Trying to review these two-hour chunks of an overarching experience as stand-alone products isn’t really helpful or fair to a what Telltale is trying ...

ACE Team is a developer known for creating interesting games which don’t always deliver a well-polished product.  Their latest game, Abyss Odyssey, in some ways is a continuation of their creative ambitions outstretching their real-world reach, but in other ways ...

The Fall is another game in the growing list of Kickstarter darlings released in 2014.  Set in a future where humanity has become largely reliant on AI assistance in day-to-day life, players assume the role of an AI suit, attempting ...

It’s been an interesting year for Telltale, following the success of The Walking Dead’s first season the company cultivated expectations and expanded.  Big titles have been announced in the studio’s future, like Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones, ...

Funded with Kickstarter is more than a promise these days, with titles like The Banner Saga, Shadowrun Returns, and Broken Age now available for download at your local Steam client, it is safe to say the effects of the Kickstarter ...

There are cliched ways to describe cliche games.  A crass way to describe Valiant Hearts: The Great War, the latest title from AAA publisher, Ubisoft, would be to call it a side-scrolling puzzle-adventure based around World War One.  At times ...

Releasing a new, AAA franchise these days is a bit different than it was five years ago.  Franchises which fail to garner success similar to the biggest names in gaming can sink companies and publishers into dire financial circumstances.  Releasing ...

The shooter genre has gone through fits and starts of change in the last few years.  Since the genre was created in the 90’s with games like Wolfenstein leading the charge, shooters have become the critically-dismissed part of mainstream video ...

After storming onto the scene with the beloved Bastion, Supergiant Games follows up its debut act with Transistor, an action-RPG which follows the adventures of Red and her talking sword.  In the days of 10 minutes trailers and preview gameplay ...

The second season season of The Walking Dead had felt slightly stagnant leading up to Telltale’s third entry.  While Clementine has been enjoyable as a lead character, the first two episodes lazily moved its pieces into place, looking almost directionless ...

When someone mentions the JRPG genre, there is a certain image which is conjured.  An image of spiky-haired heroes, anime-quality voice-overs, 40+ hour playthroughs, complex inventory screens, and large worlds where you can spend hours leveling up before taking on ...

Telltale’s The Wolf Among Us is only three episodes into its first season, but it has known a rocky road. The series began under the weight of expectation, following the wild success of The Walking Dead’s first season. Then there ...

Irrational Games, as we know it, have dissolved into the ether and in their tragic wake fans everywhere will come to rely on Burial At Sea: Episode 2 to receive any form of closure to what has been an absorbing ...

Since Infamous debuted on the PlayStation 3 in 2009, the series has played second fiddle to other PlayStation exclusives and superhero video games.  While the Infamous games have always been well-made, they have always failed to grab mainstream attention.  So ...