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The general consensus online seems to be panic and scrambling to find a way to condemn the Xbox One to a quick death because of the laser-sharp focus that Microsoft showed towards the Xbox One being a home entertainment console, ...

There are a lot of interesting things about Microsoft’s Xbox One, which was revealed today in a blockbuster event that was streamed across the world. Many are excited, many are upset, many are skeptical, but the important thing is that ...

E3 is sort of a tradition in gaming, seen as the granddaddy of the big gaming expos, which have branched out into what feels like one per month now. Back before there were a million PAX shows and Gamescoms there ...

May 21st is rapidly approaching where it is expected that we’ll see the launch of Microsoft’s next generation Xbox, which has been codenamed the Durango and called the Xbox 720 by just about everyone over the past few years. There ...

We will finally get some details about Microsoft’s next Xbox console, which has been codenamed Durango but called everything from simply “Xbox” to “Xbox 720” by many gamers who have simply been looking for a name for the damned thing. ...

Today was the big sort of, almost reveal of Shinji Mikami’s first new title since forming his own studio, Tango Gameworks, in 2010. The game was formerly known as Project Zwei and now we at least have a title for ...

If you were somehow gleefully unaware, this Saturday Microsoft’s Xbox Live saw a rather significant outage, as the service was down for most of the day. By the end of the day they were able to restore most of the ...

There was a lot of apprehension in the air when Bungie and Microsoft parted ways, leaving the Halo series in a bit of a lurch while Microsoft scrambled to find a new team to be in control of Master Chief’s ...

A new rumor came out today, courtesy of the Verge, which details some of the plans for the upcoming Xbox 720/Durango and how it will integrate with your home entertainment center. Well, when I say integrate, it feels more like ...

Recently, I posted an article about how the Wii U was initially met with lots of fanfare and strong sales, but after that initial push, things began to go way downhill for the console. Nintendo has done a lot to ...

With the next generation of consoles impending, the future of Sony has been spelled out in the groundwork the company has laid over the last two months.  After announcing the Playstation 4 to a hungry media/fan base on February 20th, ...

Recently, rather infamously, a Microsoft employee took to twitter to vent his frustration at fans who did not like the idea of an ‘always-online’ Xbox 720 console. It was a pretty embarrassing tirade from someone at Microsoft, especially when directed ...

Fans around the world are waiting for the unveiling from Microsoft of their upcoming console, known as the Xbox 720 or the Durango, with not as much as a peep coming out of them yet. In a way, it is ...

Valve has been rather silent on the Half-Life front since the release of Half-Life 2: Episode Two in October of 2007. Half-Life is one of the games that has helped to redefine gaming and show that you can do a ...

The Ouya is, in a way, the little engine that could of the gaming world. A lot of the support for the Android-based gaming system is based around the fact that gamers and people inside of the industry want to ...

The other day I touched upon some of the challenges that we’ll see for the upcoming struggle of Battlefield 4 vs. Call of Duty: Ghosts, outlining some of the features that the upcoming Call of Duty could include to make ...