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Last week in a quarterly report, Blizzard Entertainment announced that their giant MMO, World of Warcraft, had lost 1.3 million subscribers. This news, as is almost expected, has created a lot of talk especially among the community. Like always, whenever ...

Last week, the fourth and final wing of the Throne of Thunder became available to players. With all of the LFR now available, it is fair to start comparing this patch with the previous patches. One of the first difference ...

With Mists of Pandaria, one of Blizzard’s main goals is to give players more content they can do by themselves or within small groups. This is shown with many of the new features, such as the Brawlers Guild and Scenarios, ...

Patch 5.2 has been live for less than a month, yet Blizzard is already giving information out for the next patch. The biggest news that has been released is that the upgrade vendor, which was recently removed will be returning ...

Mists of Pandaria’s second major patch, 5.2, is on the horizon. This patch has many players excited with new things such as dailies, a new raid, and many other changes to the game. For now, much of the community is ...

Patch 5.2 is on the horizon for World of Warcraft, and with it many changes that has the community excited. Among these changes are a new raid and a new daily quest hub. Another change that will come is to ...

Today, World of Warcraft’s Facebook page released a teaser-photo saying that patch 5.2 will be coming to the PTR in early January. With this patch, among other things, will be Tier 15, the second raiding tier of Mists of Pandaria. ...

On Tuesday, Mists of Pandaria’s first major content patch hit live servers. As with most new content, there is a lot of excitement around the new additions this patch brings to the game. This new content includes new daily quests ...

Since the release of Mist’s of Pandaria, I have been using these weekly posts to discuss things that related mostly to PvE. This is because, as a raider, it is the content I experienced first, thus I had opinions about ...

Well, its that time in the expansion again. Though MoP was packed with a ton of new content, some of which I have yet to experience, I have begun to level some of my other characters to 90. At first, ...

The new Mists of Pandaria has been part of many jokes since it was announced. Whether it be the similarity the game shares with Dream Works movie Kung-Fu Panda, or the fact that the new pet battles system is an ...

This week, the Theramore’s fall scenario went live on servers. This gave players a glimpse into how scenarios will work in the upcoming Mists of Pandaria expansion. This scenario has not received the best response from players from the community. ...

Since the very launch of World of Warcraft, legendaries have been a big part of raiding. The idea of working for months to earn an item is appeals to many players and serves as a huge drive to why players ...