Theo’s Thoughts #27: MoP’s First Patch

2 min

On Tuesday, Mists of Pandaria’s first major content patch hit live servers. As with most new content, there is a lot of excitement around the new additions this patch brings to the game. This new content includes new daily quests that show the escalation of the conflict between the Horde and the Alliance, the new Brawler’s Guild feature, an extension of the Wrathion’s legendary quest, as well as a new feature that allows players to use excess Justice, Valor, Honor, and Conquest points to upgrade gear. Though there is a lot of new content. It is not necessarily the content that is the best part of the patch. What is really thrilling about this new patch is the timing of it. This expansion has barely been out for two months and there is already new content coming out. Yes, there are no new dungeons or raids, but there is still new things to do.

The patch tells a story of the growing conflict between the Horde and Alliance, something players have been told will happen for a long time, but did not really see much of it at the expansions lost. Many players may be rolling their eyes at the idea of doing more dailies. Admittedly I did at first. I gave up on running dailies a long time ago, however, I tried these ones out and I found I enjoyed them. It may just because I did them on a PvP server, so it was more of a PvP experience then just running dailies, but it was fun. It reminded me of doing those world PvP objectives that were so popular in Burning Crusade, while still doing quests.

The other feature that is exciting is the new feature that allows players to upgrade their gear using Justice, Valor, Honor, and Conquest points. This may seem like a simple thing, but it definitely gives players something to do. Let’s be honest, players will not run Battlegrounds or Heroics unless they are being rewarded somehow. With this new feature to upgrade gear, players will need to run this content more, thus giving them more things to do. One of the worst parts of WoW are the ends of tiers where players have nothing to do. This feature will hopefully combat this, and overall make the game better.

As I mentioned earlier, what is most exciting about this patch is how quickly it was released. To put things into prospective, patch 4.1, Cataclysm’s first major patch, was not released until more then six months after the expansion, and honestly it offered little to players, with only some new five mans, among other small things. On the other hand, we have this patch, that came out in a third of the time, and has roughly the same amount of content. Some people are worried that Blizzard may be rushing there content out. However, this content does not feel rushed. In fact, I like this. If Blizzard releases new patches every two months, all with just a little bit of new content, I think the game will become much more enjoyable, as players will be less likely to get bored with content. However, we will still have to wait to see when the following patches release and how the relate to this one.


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