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Valve has been rather silent on the Half-Life front since the release of Half-Life 2: Episode Two in October of 2007. Half-Life is one of the games that has helped to redefine gaming and show that you can do a ...

This topic is a bit of an odd one, because really, PCs are losing a lot of the marketshare that they used to have a stranglehold on for years. When you think about it, what else would you use to ...

While it might seem like common sense that you can’t sell something that doesn’t physically exist, the option of selling used digital content obtained through services such as Steam or IndieCity is heavily debated in places like Germany. After a ...

Playing like a space-age Oregon Trail, Spatial Flux aims to deliver a text-based adventure with high-quality backgrounds and pixel-based sprites for a retro feel in a modern game. The game will be released on Mac, Linux, PC, and several mobile ...

Unfortunately, it’s that time of the month when we talk about violence and video games again. In 2011, the US Supreme Court ruled that there was no proof violent video games increased violence in minors, and yet here we are ...

Homesick is reminiscent of both Dear Esther and Fatal Frame—the beauty of the environment plays a crucial role in the player’s experience, while it can just as easily betray them. It is an adventure game that is inspired by Monkey ...

There’s no questioning that the majority of high-profile games are made up of sequels, spin-offs, and unoriginal stories—however, this is far from a new thing, and sometimes can bring out amazing games. Here are five spin-off games that took on ...

Microsoft recently revealed their latest innovation to go alongside the Kinect—IllumiRoom. It extends the field of vision outside of the television and projects it onto the walls, furniture, and whatever else you have in your game room. Although there were ...

Happy New Year, everyone! This week has been very busy and plenty of holiday arts and crafts projects are surfacing. The Pokémon lego builds are pretty cute, but the Big Daddy one sort of trumps them. We finally have official, ...

2012 was the first year that I entered into both game journalism and game development, and it’s allowed me to see plenty of things in a new perspective. As a journalist, part of the job is finding issues with games ...

2012 is wrapping up pretty nicely, especially since none of those apocalypses ended up happening. As we exchange our calendars and turn over the page for a new year, here is a small wish list of five things I would ...

Finally, the holiday season is really kicking into gear! If you’re lucky enough to snag a vacation, there’s plenty of games to play or to buy as gifts for a lucky someone. The Steam Winter Sale and Humble Indie Bundle ...

This week was full of plenty of rumors and some welcome news: Valve is reaching out to gamers to establish some kind of GameFAQs competitor, the Assassin’s Creed series may have another game in development already, and Bioshock will be ...

There’s been a lot of fuss over the recent Bioshock: Infinite cover, causing the developers to respond by including a reversible cover. It leaves the theme of the past games’ covers, and instead of featuring a Big Daddy, it features ...

2012 had some of the longest games ever released, if you look past all the shorter iOS applications that became proliferous this year. Being a timesink isn’t necessarily a bad thing—in fact, just the opposite. Here are five games of ...

It’s been known for a while that Valve has been building its own PC system, designed for playing Steam games at optimal quality. However, what no one knew was whether this PC kit was intended just for the company, for ...