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Have you ever played a game on your smartphone that will “wake up” that competitive side of yours? – If you haven’t found the proper game for that, try Sumo Smash. This FREE iOS game just wants to know if ...

Metal Gear Solid is undoubtedly one of gaming’s finest achievements. A few years ago, having not even played a MGS title, I could still have easily identified the trademark gravel voice of David Hayter and the “!” iconography due to ...

Bioshock Infinite divided its gameplay into clear sections where Booker and Elizabeth explored the floating city of Columbia in a story-based adventure, and other sections where the pair were swarmed by enemies in fierce combat. The first of three DLC ...

When the Kinect was unveiled, hardcore gamers correctly deduced that it wasn’t going to have many games that appeal to the traditional Xbox fan and their Gears of War style of gameplay. This was never Microsoft’s intent. With the other ...

“Dying is easy, comedy is hard.”  This quote, often attributed to Edmund Gwenn, adequately sums up the state of video game comedy.  While there have been stabs at comedy in games by developers like Double Fine and Telltale, if one ...

The first episode of the adventure series Cognition introduced players to Erica Reed, an FBI agent with psychic powers.  Erica’s ability to see into the past of locations she visited was an innovative twist on the adventure genre.  The series ...

With big gaming franchises there is always the fear that sequels will be “The same, but MORE”.  Shooter franchises add in new guns, fantasy games have more loot, and MMO’s pack in redundant classes with each new installment.  But with ...

Comedy is a brave art, parody is a great risk.  Both require a self-confidence and craftsmanship that are beyond the skills of most.  Where parody often goes wrong, is when a writer, designer, or director is not sure if their ...

As far as indie titles go, the side-scrolling, metroidvania brawler is pretty standard fare. Reiterating on this design time and time again can get boring.  However, Drinkbox’s latest game Guacamelee artfully dodges any possible complaints of dullness with a lively ...

Listen up grumpy old gamers, it’s time to grab your easy-open arthritis medicine, glue your toupees on extra tight, and buckle up for some old school shooting!  These punk kids today with their Battlefields and Calls of Duty are all ...

Some game genres are so refined that there is little call for innovation.  JRPG’s, online FPS, Visual novels have swarms of near identical games that keep their fans happy.  Autorunners are a new breed of such game that rose up ...

Last year a new franchise entered the adventure game arena.  Cognition combines a gritty police drama with the supernatural by putting players in control of a psychic detective named Erica Reed.  Erica’s first outing in Cognition Episode 1: The Hangman ...

Tomb Raider defined the Playstation generation back in the 90’s.  The first game was a huge hit and a well-deserved classic.  The lovely Lara Croft could fight dinosaurs while exploring tombs rendered in 3D, and her AI was smart enough ...

Game designers try to find a balance between the Player’s head and hands.  Some games, like turn-based strategy, are focused entirely on making the Player think.  Others, like bullet hell shooters, test their reflexes.  Fractured Soul puts players in command ...

The Metal Gear franchise has earned its hardcore following.  Solid Snake and his exploits created the stealth genre, brought cinematic story-telling to the Playstation generation, confused the hell out of early PS2 adopters and are responsible for selling plenty of ...

Playing like a space-age Oregon Trail, Spatial Flux aims to deliver a text-based adventure with high-quality backgrounds and pixel-based sprites for a retro feel in a modern game. The game will be released on Mac, Linux, PC, and several mobile ...