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Capcom recently released the first gameplay trailer (available below) for Resident Evil: Revelations 2, and it looks like the franchise is definitely returning to heavy survival horror. The new trailer looked dark, moody and atmospheric. I think this is a ...

Over the last ten years, we have seen a steady rise in the popularity of survival horror games especially ones starring the undead. The notion of walking corpses really sprung to life with the release of the 1968 film Night ...

Happy New Year, everyone! This week has been very busy and plenty of holiday arts and crafts projects are surfacing. The Pokémon lego builds are pretty cute, but the Big Daddy one sort of trumps them. We finally have official, ...

This week was full of plenty of rumors and some welcome news: Valve is reaching out to gamers to establish some kind of GameFAQs competitor, the Assassin’s Creed series may have another game in development already, and Bioshock will be ...

Resident Evil 6 is the rare example of a game that oozes obscene amounts of quality from start to finish without ever actually reaching its true potential. It’s like the geeky mathematician at school who excites the faculty with his ...

They’re cranking out Resident Evil products by the bucketful this year. Resident Evil Revelations wowed 3DS owners, the new movie Resident Evil Retribution features some very attractive women fighting zombies, the animated feature Resident Evil Damnation hits DVD next week, ...

I’ve touched on this before, in fact I reference it quite frequently. And I’m glad to see that a great deal of people feel the same way about it. The Tablet. There is just something fundamentally acceptable about the Tablet. ...

The “Gaming Social Paradigm”, is something I’ve been considering for quite some time. It brings up interesting conversation and it can be used in a number of arguments to support various claims. The GSP is a look at how Video ...

While many equate the beginning of autumn as the inevitable return to schooling, there are a select few that find themselves overwhelmed for completely different reasons. Whereas textbooks and notebooks account for the bulk of money spent for the more ...

I think it’s about time I’ve introduced myself to you. I am a long time gamer known on Xbox Live and the Playstation Network as The Gamer’s Ghost – a monicker derived from my love for gaming and all things ...