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WARNING: This review will wholeheartedly document the journey of a complete and utter noob. So the time has come… the next stage of BETA testing for The Elder Scrolls Online has gone public. I must admit, this was a game ...

Maybe it’s Infinity Ward. Maybe it’s the exciting buzz of the ‘next generation’. Or maybe it’s the fact I’m actually good at this one… Yet to me, Call of Duty: Ghosts is as fresh and entertaining as the COD franchise ...

Battlefield 4’s release is coming up quickly, as it is slated to be released on October 29th in the United States. As always, it will be released in the Fall when there are a lot of other huge releases coming ...

The Last of Us and The Walking Dead are the two games that you’ll talk about when you talk about modern zombie games. Both The Last of Us and Telltale’s The Walking Dead are pretty different games, but both games ...

There was no better feeling than waking up to an unexpected Grand Theft Auto V gameplay trailer showing, you know, honest-to-goodness gameplay footage from the game and showing how some of the mechanics work. If you haven’t checked it out ...

“Dying is easy, comedy is hard.”  This quote, often attributed to Edmund Gwenn, adequately sums up the state of video game comedy.  While there have been stabs at comedy in games by developers like Double Fine and Telltale, if one ...

The Oculus Rift is still almost a year away from being released, but there has been a steady buzz about the VR headset since its successful Kickstarter campaign back in August 2012, which itself followed the buzz that they received ...

We as citizens of the world live in odd times, as we live in the day and age where Americans are being spied upon by their own government through the NSA and its PRISM program. As the world moves towards ...

Red Orchestra 2 hit two years ago, introducing gamers to a very realistic World War II experience.  A first person shooter that ignored many of the tropes of the shooter genre and taught players about the fragility of the human ...

A few weeks have passed since the release of Metro Last Light. Having read many a glowing review for the game, I set out to try it myself and hoped to be bedazzled by this hidden gem. Unfortunately, all those ...

I’ll admit it, back when I was younger I was a diehard PC gamer. It just made sense, seeing as though there was a PC in just about every home and most of what you had to do was pop ...

The first episode of the adventure series Cognition introduced players to Erica Reed, an FBI agent with psychic powers.  Erica’s ability to see into the past of locations she visited was an innovative twist on the adventure genre.  The series ...

I couldn’t help it earlier when reading about Sony securing the domains for The Last of Us 2 and The Last of Us 3 I had to let out a groan. Not because I don’t want to see more great ...

Metro: Last Light is one of those games that hardcore gamers have been waiting to see released for a while now, with some snags encountered with THQ’s going out of business and subsequent fire sale. Even with all of those ...

The story of Defiance is an interesting one, as the game has been in development since 2008 and since then it was scooped up to be a television show as well, airing on the Syfy Network. After years of waiting, ...

There was something strange that happened in the 1980’s with music, where it kind of felt like anything was possible and there were a lot of bands that were getting picked up by the still new medium that was television ...