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Microsoft is riding a nice wave of positive news and recent sales with the Xbox One. The video game and multimedia console had a great holiday season. According to data from the NPD and, the Xbox One was the best-selling ...

Per the NeoGAF forum, Microsoft has filed for a new trademark for the Battletoads franchise. The trademark filing occurred earlier this month. According to the forum post, the filing was a 1B filing (Application Based on Intent to Use) for game ...

2015 is nearly upon us, and I am looking forward to quite a few original Xbox One game titles. The price drop came at a good time because there are a number of new, exclusive titles being released for the ...

With the holiday shopping season fast approaching, Microsoft announced a hefty, limited-time price drop for the Xbox One console. Starting early next month, the Xbox One will be available for $349 in the US. What is more, consumers will be ...

The industry, like most industries, grows from the ground up.  It is one of the most important things to remember, and not just in video games.  The companies and ideas that define our world today were not dreamt up in ...

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to notice that this holiday season the big sellers are going to be the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The hype for the two new consoles has been almost unbearable, with fans of both ...

I feel like when it comes to the Xbox One over the past few weeks, the horse has just about been beaten to death with pointing out flaws in Microsoft’s logic and reasoning, so I’m going to hop onto a ...

Great news came out this past week for Xbox fans. Microsoft finally caved into popular demand and reduced the restriction on gaming that the original Xbox One had in store. From a 24-hour online check to only being able to ...

When Giant Bomb’s Patrick Klepek broke the big news today that Microsoft was changing their strategies on DRM, internet connectivity, and used games, the online world basically lost its mind.  The reactions were mixed, as all reactions are, but mostly ...

I think that it is safe to say that just about everyone in the world of gaming has been scratching their heads over Microsoft’s odd choice of DRM requirements on the Xbox One. The console itself is on par with ...

With E3 2013 a day old, we’ve survived one of the most exciting E3’s in recent memory. From Microsoft’s at the start to Sony’s at the end, there were so many games announced. It’s hard to keep count of all ...

The last thing that I was expecting going into these pre-E3 presentations today was that any one console maker would really come out ahead and blow the competition away. I mean, at their core both the Xbox One and PlayStation ...

E3 2013 is just around the corner! While I’m mostly excited for the next-generation of games, part of that is due to the next-generation of consoles. Xbox One will be Microsoft’s offering. A lot of bad press has spread with ...

If you’ve been reading the internet, talking to other gamers or just paying attention to anything gaming in general you’ll notice that there is sort of a war of words going on where diehard Xbox fans have been pushed into ...

No matter what your stance is on the Microsoft unveiling of the Xbox One on May 21st it should be incredibly clear that their timing and fumble has just played into the competition’s hands. Both Nintendo and Sony have seen ...

One of the big drawbacks for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 has seemed to be that neither console has any intentions of playing your last generation’s games right off of the disc like you’d wish. Sony has a plan ...