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Construction work isn’t as easy and clear cut as it seems. It takes a lot of planing, taking into consideration countless things from aesthetics to functionality. So, with so many things to think about,mistakes are bound to happen, even when ...

Not everyone is good at using Photoshop and sometimes you take a picture that really needs a little touch up or something to be removed from it. Luckily there are many skilled Photoshop masters and graphic designers you can find ...

After reading the it you’re probably wondering; What in the world could a waffle iron possibly do except make waffles? If it was a microwave, you could expect some explosion, light show or something similarly exiting, but a waffle iron? Seriously? ...

There are many skills good waiters need in order to provide good costumer service that we fail to realize. They need to be attentive, polite at any cost and to everyone, stay cool under stress, but above all, they must not ...

The use of the N-word when talking to black people is a taboo for white people, considered to be highly offensive and racist. Yet, it is OK for back people use it among themselves. They do so often, even putting it in songs ...

Everything that has happened in our lives up until now is the sole result of the choices we made. Sometimes choosing between two things is easy, when you have to chose between two good things or something good and bad. Unfortunately, life is ...

Most of Disney’s movies are based on classic fairy tales, made more child-friendly, without the unpleasant parts. Naming these masterpiece was no-brainer. After all, what other title can you give for a move that tells the story of Snow White or ...

The biggest mistake most bodybuilders and regular gym goers make is neglecting to work on their lower body. No matter how tedious it looks, not doing lower body exercise will leave you looking like a cartoon character, with a buffed body ...

War is not a laughing matter by any extent, especially when it comes to one of the greatest wars in human history. But sometimes, in the darkest of times a smile is necessary to keep a person sane. Every soldier ...

Doctors are humans too, so they are prone to making mistakes, even if they try to keep them to a minimum. After all, their mistake an cause someone their life. There are also those mistakes that may not put someone’s ...

Kids love playing tricks on their parents, but that usually happens after they are over a year old, not when they’re babies. However, this little cutie already has her daddy wrapped around her little finger, and not only because of ...

A wedding is a sacred act, meant to bind two people together forever. It is a gathering of all the relatives and friends to bare witness to this union, and the exchange of the wedding wovs is the crown jewel ...

People act differently when they’re drunk. Some pass out, some laugh and some get violent. With this beer you will always be the type who laughs… And you won’t even have to get drunk. There is apparently a new beer ...

Dogs and cats are required to wear collars and name tags as a proof they’re not strays and as a sure way to be reunited with their owners in case they get lost. For years the tags were pretty standard: ...

Choosing the right writing format can sometimes be as important as the text itself, as many the people in this list have learned. An inch of spacing between letters can cause a whole lot of problems and misunderstandings, but most of all they can ...

Moving the body while playing a game. We’ve all done it, even if it was only some left and right swaying. Even though we know that it doesn’t affect our gaming whatsoever, we can’t help but doing it. It is something like ...