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There was a story cycling the net a long time ago about a couple of church-goers who would pray in front of a Jesus statue for hours every few days or so. The priests thought they were dedicated followers until ...

We all have our “double” who lived or lives somewhere in this world. It doesn’t matter how spooky this sounds – it’s the truth. It happened to me once as I was walking down a street some random dude showed ...

Everyone has seen the Evolution of Dance video. After all, it is one of the first viral videos on Youtube. It was the creation of stand-up comedian Juddson Laipply and to this day it has over 295 million views. Watching all the dance moves ...

It never ceases to amaze us just how much animals seem to understand at times. The things they sometimes do, their acts and reactions can be so similar to ours that we can’t help but feel that, at least at the emotional ...

Despite having nearly anything for everything these days, there are still people who manage to push the boundary of innovation and do something never seen before… But that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good. We’ve seen some pretty awful and useless inventions ...

How could a rubber chicken serve as a tool for a military training? Well, you’d be surprised. This is an actual “composure training” for the Ceremonial Guardsman in the United States Air Force Honor Guard. As you can imagine, it is ...

We keep hearing that animals will fight back, but with a knife? Like it or not, humans take over animal habitats all the time, and the animals have no choice but to move or adapt. This crab obvious decided to adapt, ...

After reading the it you’re probably wondering; What in the world could a waffle iron possibly do except make waffles? If it was a microwave, you could expect some explosion, light show or something similarly exiting, but a waffle iron? Seriously? ...

As lazy and independent as they are, cats still manage to provide us with the material for some of the best funny animal videos ever. Watching their sudden unexpected reactions, their seemingly unreal agility and knack for getting into strange situations ...

Everyone’s part of at least one social media group, whether it’s Facebook, Tweeter or some other site. Being able to peek into the daily lives of other people, we can’t help but compare their way of living to ours. And looking at ...

Dance-challenged people can be found at every video site and social media. Watching them can be funny and sad at times, making you wonder what could possibly make them dance even though they clearly have “two left feet”? It’s the power of ...

No, this isn’t the most expensive music video ever. It just features almost every currency around the world. The popularity of a song can depend greatly on its video adaptation, but creating a uniqe and creative music video is becoming ...

Those who say Christmas shopping is fun are terribly mistaken. Even after all that hard work you’ll put into choosing the perfect Christmas present for everyone, you can bet that there will be at least one that won’t like his or ...

The use of the N-word when talking to black people is a taboo for white people, considered to be highly offensive and racist. Yet, it is OK for back people use it among themselves. They do so often, even putting it in songs ...

Finding out you’re going to have a baby is the most wonderful and exiting news you can get. Finding out your grown-up children are having a baby is a hundred times better. Breaking the news to the grandparents-to-be can be a ...

…He has it facing the wrong way the entire time. Here is a typical example of how the older generations can’t cope with technology. When Joseph Griffin and his wife went to Las Vegas, his well-meaning son lent him a ...