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Construction work isn’t as easy and clear cut as it seems. It takes a lot of planing, taking into consideration countless things from aesthetics to functionality. So, with so many things to think about,mistakes are bound to happen, even when ...

Tattoos give us a way to express ourselves… And look cool doing it. Let’s be honest. Everyone who’s gotten a tattoo for whatever reason, even if it was one time, thought that it would make them look cool and rebellious. Still, ...

T-shirts with word and sayings can have anything and everything written on them, but what people choose the most is something with a funny or sarcastic tone. The 30 people you are about to see most definitely regretted their t-shirt choice more than once. ...

Humans can be cruel, not helping injured or abandoned animals or even hurting them on purpose. Seeing people who help animals in need is always nice… But this turtle rescue video doesn’t show one of them. Turtles live both on land ...

A wedding is a sacred act, meant to bind two people together forever. It is a gathering of all the relatives and friends to bare witness to this union, and the exchange of the wedding wovs is the crown jewel ...

Like taking selfies of yourself isn’t good enough, you want to include all your friends in the shot as well. Since you hand isn’t long enough to provide you with that wide angle, some genius came up with the selfi ...

Some candidates for the “Got Talent” TV show are really bad, which makes their performance one of the most entertaining to watch. However, in accordance to the show’s standards, those get four red X’s and with that they are not allowed to continue. Then ...

After becoming a mother women are expected to act more modestly and more proper, to set a good example for the child. Yet, having a child doesn’t mean that mothers should stop being or feeling sexy, in fact many women ...

We don’t want to harm nobody, but c’mon girls do you even see the pictures before you post them? Seeing these pictures made me think that someone stole your phone, posted them and left. If this is the truth, you ...

Time to take out the T-shirts and short skirts and jeans. temperatures are finally rising and it’s time to show some skin. Only, after such a long winter, your skin is probably so pale, you might get mistaken for a ghost. ...

When it first came out in 1997 it was the greatest movie achievement in Hollywood, taking away a record breaking number of 11 Academy Award Oscars. Yes, we’re talking about the movie we love to hate: The Titanic. All of ...

Some people don’t deserve to be called parents. They don’t care about their kids at all. They think kids are some kind of an expensive toy they need to take care. These adults are treating their kids really bad and ...

Photobombs are like probably the funniest “thing” when it comes to photography. It seems people started living each day to mess someone’s perfect picture. But it doesn’t matter because the whole situation is hilarious. What we have here are probably ...

Parents please check what your children books and see whether you will find something like this. This is awful… Who writes this stuff anyway? Children’s minds are absolutely ruined by reading something like this. The authors of these books should ...

Have you ever woke up happy one morning saying to yourself that everything will be amazing today and something ruined everything? I don’t know about you, but I sure did have situations like this. When something like this happens to ...

Okay, shooting a selfie was never a major problem. Yes, they are people that hate how people chose to show how beautiful they are at a certain moment, but c’mon… it’s just a photograph. People do whatever they want to ...