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Now that EA has the Star Wars video game license, a new era of Star Wars video games will begin later this year. It is just in time for a bonanza of new Star Wars media. A new trilogy begins ...

This past week has seen a number of new games announced. One of those has come from the behemoth known as EA, for one of those yearly big releases in gaming, FIFA 14. Whilst still only announced for the current-generation ...

Well, they’ve done it. Electronic Arts has once again won The Consumer’s Worst Company in America, thanks to angry gamers on the internet banding together to ensure that Electronic Arts gets publicly shamed for their business practices. To understand the ...

March has become one of the biggest months of the year in the games industry.  Between two major trade shows, the biggest spring releases, and huge announcements March has become thirty days worth circling on your calendar.  This past March ...

The buzz is abound yet again, as for the second year in a row, Electronic Arts is continuing on strong in The Consumerist’s “Worst Company in America” poll. Last year’s win is attributed to some of their poor decisions, such ...

People knew a problem would arise even before the game released, but SimCity still managed to cause a big ruckus when it launched due in large part to requiring gamers to be always connected online while playing. SimCity is a ...

The other day I touched upon some of the challenges that we’ll see for the upcoming struggle of Battlefield 4 vs. Call of Duty: Ghosts, outlining some of the features that the upcoming Call of Duty could include to make ...

Yesterday EA released the games that they will be giving to SimCity players for all the server hiccups (or heart failures) that the game has had since launch.  In the article I wrote last week about the SimCity debacle, I ...

Dead Space 3 has been a bit of hit and miss with gamers. While it does maintain some identity in relation to the old games, steadily the Dead Space series has been moving away from its initial survival horror roots. ...

A recent article on Eurogamer featured a piece with Dan Geisler, creator of the Road Rash series all those years ago. In it he talks about utilising Kickstarter to fund another Road Rash game, or at least, a spiritual successor. ...

There has been a battle raging over the last few years between the first person shooter games with two names sticking out as the leaders of the pack; Call of Duty and Battlefield. Both series are from big publishers and ...

I was there at 12:01AM on March 5th for the launch of SimCity.  I excitedly waited at my computer to receive an email from EA Origin to confirm my purchase code and start my download.  To kill time, I scanned ...

The video game industry walks a social tightrope.  Games are held to a ridiculous amount of scrutiny from both sides of the political spectrum, with controversies erupting over issues like race, gender, violence and sex.  Electronic Arts has taken a ...

There has been an uproar of late over some discussion of EA working microtransactions and DLC unlocks into more, if not all of their upcoming games, a topic which I find oddly fascinating. I’ve seen terms thrown around like “pay-to-win,” ...

Dead Space 3 is the game we’ve all been waiting for, yet sadly – for me at least – it’s not the game I wanted. If you’ve ever read my reviews or articles you’ll know I’m a massive horror game ...

Unfortunately, it’s that time of the month when we talk about violence and video games again. In 2011, the US Supreme Court ruled that there was no proof violent video games increased violence in minors, and yet here we are ...