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[AUTHOR’S NOTE: The following article contains spoilers for Resident Evil Revelations 2. Be forewarned and continue reading at your own risk.] Episode two of Resident Evil Revelations 2 essentially let the cat out of the bag regarding the identity of ...

Recently, the relatively young toy company, TruForce Collectibles, launched a Kickstarter campaign. Essentially, the company wanted to finance a project to produce an official action figure release for a radical new design of concept art for Mega Man X. The problem? ...

So far, Capcom has revealed only three fighters for the character roster in the upcoming Street Fighter V video game. Charlie Nash was recently announced as one of the characters for the game, joining Ryu and Chun-Li. Whenever there is ...

Crackle recently released a new trailer for the upcoming digital movie release, Dead Rising: Watchtower. The film is based on the zombie action video game series of the same name, created by Capcom. The film is representative of the new-media ...

The 1990s was a decade of emergence for X-Men as a major multi-media franchise player. The characters had a huge hit show on FOX TV. The toys were were everywhere, and there were many more awesome video games of Marvel’s ...

Per the NeoGAF forum, Capcom recently updated its Japanese website with some new screenshots of the PlayStation 4 screen theme that comes with a pre-order of the Biohazard Remaster HD. A game icon for Biohazard Zero, aka Resident Evil Zero, ...

Capcom’s signature character, Mega Man, has been on the shelf for far too long. With 2015 right around the corner, it is about time for the Blue Bomber to make a glorious return with a new video game. Mega Man’s ...

The return to the world of survival horror is right around the corner with one of the revolutionary franchises of the genre. Resident Evil Revelations 2 gloriously returns to form with the franchise. Capcom has released the actual in-game cinematic ...

During the 2014 PlayStation Experience keynote, Sony and Capcom officially announced that Street Fighter V is coming. They mentioned that the game is going to be an exclusive title to PlayStation 4 and Windows PC. During the keynote, it was ...

During PlayStation Experience, Capcom had a playable PlayStation 4 demo on hand for the upcoming latest installment of the Resident Evil franchise, Resident Evil Revelations 2. I am very excited about the format Capcom is going with here. The game will ...

Capcom has released the latest trailer for Resident Evil Revelations 2. The new game resembles a strong throwback to the survival horror roots of the franchise. The game features the long-awaited return of Claire Redfield as a playable character for ...

Capcom released a new Japanese trailer for the upcoming high definition remake of the original Resident Evil game (Biohazard in Japan). Needless to say, I am incredibly impressed with the HD remastering. The original Resident Evil is one of my ...

Sony PlayStation Japan and Capcom released a new trailer for Deep Down at the Tokyo Game Show. The trailer, which is available below, contains some interesting and intriguing new footage. All of the dialogue is in English, but the dialogue ...

Capcom recently released the first gameplay trailer (available below) for Resident Evil: Revelations 2, and it looks like the franchise is definitely returning to heavy survival horror. The new trailer looked dark, moody and atmospheric. I think this is a ...

The highly anticipated release of The Evil Within, a new hardcore survival horror game from Shinji Mikami, and a pioneer of all-time great survival horror games, will be released next month. In recent weeks, other major survival horror-themed game titles ...

Since the older Resident Evil titles are old favorites of mine, I was happy to see the news that Capcom will release a remastered, high definition version of the 2002 remake of the original Resident Evil game for Gamecube. It ...