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The Ouya is, in a way, the little engine that could of the gaming world. A lot of the support for the Android-based gaming system is based around the fact that gamers and people inside of the industry want to ...

Angry Piggy is definitely the kind of game that’s all about teamwork. Initially I admit to jumping right in without even reading the games description, I wrote it off immediately as being mundane and too simplistic as well as repetitive ...

While it might seem like common sense that you can’t sell something that doesn’t physically exist, the option of selling used digital content obtained through services such as Steam or IndieCity is heavily debated in places like Germany. After a ...

Playing like a space-age Oregon Trail, Spatial Flux aims to deliver a text-based adventure with high-quality backgrounds and pixel-based sprites for a retro feel in a modern game. The game will be released on Mac, Linux, PC, and several mobile ...

Unfortunately, it’s that time of the month when we talk about violence and video games again. In 2011, the US Supreme Court ruled that there was no proof violent video games increased violence in minors, and yet here we are ...

For the past month, Nintendo has been relatively quiet. With the exception of their big Pokémon X & Y reveal, the company has churned out next to no titles or information about upcoming releases. Comparing Nintendo to the other two ...

Homesick is reminiscent of both Dear Esther and Fatal Frame—the beauty of the environment plays a crucial role in the player’s experience, while it can just as easily betray them. It is an adventure game that is inspired by Monkey ...

Planet wars is the kind of game you just need to have if you’re a tactics junkie.  It seriously makes you feel like that tyrant you always wanted to be when playing games like Masters of Orion and EVE minus ...

Arguing over which console is better has been a habit of gamers since the start of console gaming itself. There are plenty of elements at play, from a machine’s power to its exclusive games. This generation was no exception, with ...

Dim Sum Robot #1 is a small game similar to Tiny Tower and Game Dev Story that simulates a business environment on a small-scale level. Made by New York developer Edward Dixon, this game already has many of its features ...

There were huge announcements this week, with Valve confirming the Steam Box and rumors about the XBOX 720’s specs starting to spread. It’s only a matter of time before solid news about Microsoft’s next console appears. Personally, I’ve spent the ...

There is something to be said for choosing to do everything independently and not giving up creative control or bowing down to outside forces. I’m one of those people who intimately understands that as over the summer my band released ...

With all the generation six fanfare happening on Pokémon news sites, it’s only natural that this week’s feature is a monster game. Megabits is a game that allows you to gather, locate, collect, and evolve fighting monsters that stay with ...

I think what is becoming increasingly clear to gamers and observers alike is that the Android operating system is beginning to move beyond the realm of smarphones and tablets and into the realm of becoming a viable way to play ...

With two amazing isometric games coming out in the form of Project Eternity and Path of Exile 2013, it looks like the visual format might be making a return from the old SNES days. Isometric games are ones that use ...

Happy New Year, everyone! This week has been very busy and plenty of holiday arts and crafts projects are surfacing. The Pokémon lego builds are pretty cute, but the Big Daddy one sort of trumps them. We finally have official, ...