See These Pictures And You Will Never Complain About Your Desk Job Again

Every job has its own weight and difficulty, but a desk job is considered one of the easier ones. Many people dream of having a desk job at a nice clean office, yet when you strike a conversation with a 9-to-5 desk jockey, all you’ll hear are complaints. The bosses are setting unreasonable deadlines, they had to work during their coffee break, their internet connection was down, they ran out of staplers or photocopying paper… The list goes on an on.

If you also have a desk job, you already know the hardships of being confined to a cubicle. It is really hard to work in optimal conditions, with the latest technology available at your fingertips, coworkers that can help you and staff that will replenish any supplies you might need as soon as possible. Now imagine if you still had to do all your current work without your computer and not only that, but you had to type all your documents on an old typewriter.

If you really want to see bad working conditions, take a look at your desk jockey colleagues from from Bihar, India, captured by the lens of Jan Banning.











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