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These Facts About Animals Will Make You Love Them Even More

Animals are cute there is no question about it, but there is something you don’t know about them which will make you love them even more.

Looking at these facts I concluded that they are same as us and not loving them means not loving yourself.

If you don’t trust my words you will see what I’m talking about from these facts we have prepared for you. Some animal lovers probably know all of these things and maybe more. We expect them to share with us everything they know in the comments section below.

Until then, here are some facts you didn’t know about animals. I didn’t believe animals are so similar to people.

1. Corgi translates to dwarf dog on Welsh

1. Corgi translates to dwarf dog on Welsh

2. Clowder is the term for a group of domestic cats

2. Clowder is the term for a group of domestic cats

3. When the parents are going out for hunting, they are leaving a babysiter for their little ones

3. When the parents are going out for hunting, they are leaving a babysiter for their little ones

4. Squirrels will adopt an orphan baby squirrel and make him a part of their family

4. Squirrels will adopt an orphan baby squirrel and make him a part of their family

5. Baby chimpanzee girls carry wooden sticks with them as they are their little babies

5. Baby chimpanzee girls carry wooden sticks with them as they are their little babies

6. Cows always have their best friend around them and get really mad if they are separated

6. Cows always have their best friend around them and get really mad if they are separated

7. Honey Bees can communicate with each other through dance

7. Honey Bees can comunicate with eachother through dance

8. Sea otters hide food and favorite rocks in their pockets under their forearm

8. Sea otters hide food and favorite rocks in their pockets under their forearm

9. Curling tusks into each other is a sign of affection

9. Curling tusks into each other is a sign of affection

10. A baby panda has the same weight as a cup of tea at birth

10. A baby panda has the same weight as a cup of tea at birth

11. Crows enjoy pranking their friends

11. Crows enjoy pranking their friends

12. Male puppies often let female puppies win while play fighting

12. Male puppies often let female puppies win while play fighting

13. Red pandas use their tail as a blanket to stay warm

13. Red pandas use their tail as a blanket to stay warm

14. Unborn Chicks can communicate with their mother through the egg shell

14. Unborn Chicks can comunicate with their mother through the egg shell

15. Joeys are jumping straight into their mother’s pouch when they are scared

15. Joeys are jumping straight into their mother's pouch when they are scared

16. When a mother giraffe wants to give birth she often goes back where she was born

16. When a mother giraffe wants to give birth she often goes back where she was born

17. A baby elephant sucks his trunk for comfort

17. A baby elephant sucks his trunk for comfort

18.  If your cat want to headbutt with you it means the cat trusts you

18. If your cat want to headbutt with you it means the cat trusts you

19. Polar bears greet with their noses

19. Polar bears greet with their noses

20. Sheep recognize facial features

20. Sheep recognise facial features

Animals won’t be the same at your eyes anymore.

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