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New Mortal Kombat Web Series: Is This the End of Mortal Kombat Legacy?

Warner Bros.’ digital production unit, Blue Ribbon, recently announced the production of a new Mortal Kombat web series. Now it sounds like Mortal Kombat: Legacy is over. The hit web series launched its second season in 2013. Unfortunately, based on the news about the new untitled Mortal Kombat web series, it appears that Warner Bros. and Blue Ribbon will discontinue Mortal Combat: Legacy.

As a fan of the Mortal Kombat property, I am happy to see the development of new Mortal Kombat media. However, creator Kevin Tancharoen definitely had a knack for the material in Mortal Kombat: Legacy. The show contained strong gritty realism, yet incorporated the supernatural and fantasy aspects of the material. The webisodes had good production values, strong fight choreography action and solid character development. Season two went in an interesting direction with Liu Kang turning on Earthrealm and joining Shang Tsung’s forces of the Netherrealm for the Mortal Kombat tournament. The tournament began, and the fate of the Earth hungin the balance. Unfortunately, if Mortal Kombat: Legacy is truly over, the answer to the end of the story will never be realized, which would be a shame.

Previous reports indicated that a new feature film based on the Mortal Kombat: Legacy web series was in developmet. I am generally skeptical about big movies based on video game properties. However, if Tancharoen worked on Mortal Kombat: Legacy, I probably would not have been opposed to the idea. Tancharoen later announced he will not direct the film, and then the new web series news was announced.

According to Warner Bros., the new web series will be tied to Mortal Kombat X and will feature classic characters and introduce new ones. I assume that Warner Bros. wants a new web series that will incorporate the new Kombatants in Mortal Kombat, specifically Kotal Kahn, D’Vorah, and the combined duo of Ferra & Torr. Mortal Kombat: Legacy recently began as a project meant to promote the franchise reboot with Mortal Kombat 9 in 2011. One could possibly argue that with a new game on the horizon, the premise of Mortal Kombat: Legacy no longer fits in with the direction the franchise takes in the new game. However, the second season of Mortal Kombat: Legacy second ended on a tough cliffhanger, and I really wanted to see what happens next.

Mortal Kombat X is due out on April 14, 2015 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Windows PC.

Jeffrey Harris, a pop-culture, entertainment, and video game journalist and aficionado, resides in Los Angeles. He is a staff writer for games, movies/TV, MMA and Wrestling and contributor to and He is a graduate of The University of Texas at Austin's Radio, TV, Film program.