Destiny: Loot Drops Are a Major Issue


I don’t want to rag on Destiny, but I want to address an issue regarding the random loot drops. Bungie should be able to fix the problem easily. Players and fans may have already seen the video already, the legendary treasure cave in Old Russia on Earth. Basically, it is easy for players to camp out at this cave and go to town on enemies. Eliminating all these enemies will yield some engrams and impressive loot drops. I will admit that I have used the treasure cave more than once. The reason? Using the treasure cave has yielded me more and better loot than I have ever received when playing the more difficult story missions and strike missions.

Doing the treasure cave for a certain amount of time got me three legendary items and my first exotic weapon. How many legendary or exotic items or weapons did I earn from doing Crucible, Strikes, and everything else in the game? Absolutely zero. I enjoy playing Destiny. I enjoy playing the Crucible. I enjoy the Strikes. I do not mind some grinding. However, I also want better weapons and gear. The loot drops from those other missions are not happening. Why grind away for hours or more on harder strike missions to get absolutely nothing, when I can go to the treasure cave and have an excellent chance to pick up some cool new weapons and items? Unfortunately, the cave issue has been “fixed” in Bungie’s latest update for the game.

The loot drops throughout the game are simply unfair and too random, resulting in an unrewarding experience for fans and players. I realize the new Queen’s Wraith bounty missions can yield better gear. This is a new feature Bungie recently opened for the game, and I have not yet tried it. This could be one step toward fixing the issue. However, sometimes I will finish a really hard strike mission or a Crucible session with a decent score, and I get nothing. I am sorry, but it is ridiculous not to give players a suitable reward for playing at a higher level.

With all that in mind, I do not blame players for camping out and spending hours at the treasure cave. The treasure cave simply provided results that the rest of the game does not. However, unless Bungie figures out the random loot dropping issue, players are going to continue to look for easy loopholes with areas like the treasure cave.

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