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21 Facts Most of the Americans are not Aware off

Some Americans have trouble of remembering special dates of their history or the names of their presidents, but that hasn’t proved as a big problem in their life.

These facts we are about to show you are all based on surveys conducted in the US to see if Americans are aware of some facts.

The results are devastating, but again, this hasn’t proved as a bigger problem for them to continue with their lives.

It’s good to know facts like this because they are interesting and will make you feel good about yourself.

We decided to help those people who don’t know these interesting things about the US and maybe this will make them search for more of these facts.

We will be glad if you share some of them with us.

Here are the facts:

1. America displays their Flag more than any other country

1. America displays their Flag more than any other country

2. More than 20 Million chickens are consumed daily in the USA

2. More than 20 Million chickens are consumed daily in the USA

3. Over 40% of the Women are giving birth unmarried


4. In the prohibition, the government was poisoning bear

4. In the prohibition, the government was poisoning bear

5. The Library of Congress keeps every single tweet ever tweeted

5. The Library of Congress keeps every single tweet ever tweeted

6. Americans spend aproximately 4.4 years working at each of their jobs6. Americans spend aproximately 4.4 years working at each of their jobs

7. US citizens eats 100 acres of pizza every single day7. US citizens eats 100 acres of pizza every single day

8. If your $10 in your pocket are without any debt, you have more money than 25% of the US citizens8

9. 27% of all Americans don’t think there is an American who landed on the moon



10. Virginia is the birthplace of more presidents than any other USA state10. Virginia is the birthplace of more presidents than any other USA state

11. Medical errors are the no.6 reason for death in the USA11. Medical errors are the no.6 reason for death in the USA

12. It’s legal for underage kids to smoke cigarettes, but illegal to buy them12. It's legal for underage kids to smoke cigarettes, but illegal to buy them

13. Almost 25% of the Americans believe they will be reincarnated


14. 1 of 3 Americans have problems with obesity

14. 1 of 3 Americans have problems with obesity

15. Americans don’t have national language, they speak English

15. Americans don't have national language, they speak English

16. Only in America college athletes are on the same level as celebrities16. Only in America college athletes are on the same level as celebrities

17. The person who started slavery was a black man17. The person who started slavery was a black man

18. 1 American is equal to 32 Kenyans by the amount of resources they consume

18. 1 American is equal to 32 Kenyans by the amount of resources they consume

19. Cows in Montana out numbers people 3 to 1

19. Cows in Montana out numbers people 3 to 1

20. Apple sits on larger amount of money than the US Treasury

20. Apple sits on larger amount of money than the US Treasury


21. 1 out of every 8 American have been a Mcdonald’s employee21. 1 out of every 8 American have been a Mcdonald's employee


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