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These 22 Companies Failed to Name Their Product Right. #15 is Hilarious And Sad

We’ve showed you how companies failed with their logo designs

…But this time, we decided to get you on another trip – where companies failed miserably again.

It’s very important to give the proper name to your product, because on a global level it can get another meaning.

These companies? – They didn’t put so much thought in it and it seems they went with the first name that came up to their mind. Some of them are hilarious and some of them are … we will let you to comment them.

Who would’ve thought so many products will confuse such words and misspell the whole name. As we said earlier, companies MUST think straight and see if their product name means something else in other countries.

Here is where these 15 companies made crucial mistakes:

Target group goes wrong

Target group goes wrong

Via skoften

Why eating it in first place?

Why eating it in first place

Via funny-pictures 

Try Crack flavored because normal flavor is to mainstream

Try Crack flavored because normal flavor is to mainstream

Via playtusu

This juice has a strange taste… wait what?

This juice has a strange taste... wait what

Via big

Nailed it!

Nailed it !

Via wallstreetinsanity

I don’t even want to comment on this one

I don't even want to comment on this one

Via caspasobrepana

And if you look closely, it’s limited edition

And If you look closely, it's limited edition

Via nadlanu

I wonder what’s inside

I wonder whats in there

Via acidcow

Girls would love these

Girls would love these

Via flickr




Via acidcow

Straight from our nuclear base

Straight from our nuclear base

Via piximus

I don’t even want to know

I don’t want to know the child number needed for this product

Via iamnotthebabysitter

And where is Marie?

And where is Marie

Via deadstate

Oh my lord

Oh my lord

Via pakwheels

Try not to laugh at this one

Try not to laugh at this one

Via playtusu

Grandma or Grandma’s?

Grandma or Grandma's

Via justsomething

The number of Urine words is too high

The number of Urine words is to high

Via marry27.canalblog

It was carefully selected from the sexual assault scene

It was carefuly selected from the sexual assault scene

Via thezey

No, Just…NO

No, Just...NO

Via taringa

You too Heinz?

You too Heinz

Via yankeeinyorkshire

It sure is a “Poisson”

It sure is a poisson

Via choosy-beggars

A big shout out to the people who have worked on this product

A big shout out to the people who have worked on this product


Action time!

Now, have a good laugh at these products and make sure your friends find out about them, as well.

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