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12 Powerful Time-Saving Tips for Small Business Owners

Did you know there are a little over 30 million small businesses in the U.S. employing almost half of all workers? They may be small but they pack a powerful punch, generating 44% of economic activity. 

Are you a small business owner? Are you struggling with efficiency and time management? 

Take a look at our time-saving tips and techniques and take back control of your day-to-day business activities. 

1. Understand Where Your Time Goes

You can’t figure out how to save time and increase efficiency until you know where your time goes. The first thing you must do is audit your time. 

Take one week for this task. Find a task-tracking app you like and track your days for this first week. 

By the end of the week, you’ll have a good idea of where the time goes. Did you think you only spent 15 minutes on emails in the morning? The reality might be closer to an hour!

2. Get Organized

This may seem like a no-brainer but think about how much time you spent looking for the scissors last week. Did you know most people spend 2.5 days per year looking for lost items?

It’s frustrating spending 30 minutes looking for a business card with an important number. It can throw off your whole schedule for the day or make you a few minutes late meeting with a client. 

Is your business at home? Getting organized is even more important since it’s easy getting sidetracked while looking for things around the house.

3. Plan Ahead

Take the time each night or first thing in the morning to plan your day. Write out the most important tasks. 

If your day is unplanned, it’s easy wasting time on email and small tasks in the morning. Before you know it, half the day is gone and you haven’t accomplished much. 

4. Put Your Calendar Online

An online calendar helps you stay organized no matter where you are. Need to add a quick meeting for later in the week? 

No problem. Add it to your online calendar and it syncs across your devices. Put everything on your calendar. 

Having everything in one place helps you stay on task. 

5. Schedule Breaks

Make sure you schedule small breaks between tasks. Your brain needs a few moments of rest. 

Schedule your tasks with about 25-30 minutes in between. This gives you small breaks when the task runs over. It also ensures you’ll run on time to meetings. 

When you end up with the full 25-30 minutes, go for a brisk walk or meditate for a few minutes. This energizes you for the next task. 

6. Schedule Social Media and Email

It’s easy to let social media and email suck away a lot of time. Don’t go back and forth between email and social media while you’re working on other tasks. 

Schedule social media and email on your calendar and stick with it. You may need to schedule several times a day for checking emails depending on your business but stick to your scheduled times.

7. Do the Hardest Tasks First

It’s easy putting off the tasks we like least. Is it pay-day? Do you hate dealing with finances? 

Do these types of tasks first. Since you don’t enjoy them, make them as easy as possible. 

For instance, use a check stub template for dealing with paychecks. This automates the task, making it easier and faster. 

8. Stop Multi-Tasking

We’re all tempted to multitask because it feels like you’re getting a lot done. In reality, multitasking could hurt your productivity as much as 40%!

While you’re multitasking, you’re often misplacing items. This causes disorganization and gets you behind later. 

9. Delegate or Outsource

Do you feel like you don’t have time to train someone? Taking a little time now gives you much more time later. 

Train a trusted employee to do some of your tasks. If you don’t have employees, consider hiring a good freelancer. 

Do you do social media marketing? That often takes more time than you think it will. Use a freelance social media marketer and you’ll gain a lot of time back for other important tasks. 

10. Learn to Say “No”

You’ve scheduled your tasks for the day and you’ve hit the ground running. Someone calls with a request but you don’t have time. 

It’s okay to say “no.” Always be kind but firm. 

11. Take a Hard Look at Your Schedule

Do you always sleep until 7, get up, exercise, eat breakfast, and then start your day? Maybe it’s time for a change. 

Take a hard look at your schedule and think about changing it for better use of your time. You may not be a morning person but most people are more productive first thing in the day. 

Consider getting up an hour earlier. 

Look at areas where you’re wasting time. Are you watching two hours of T.V. in the evening? 

Cut back your T.V. by an hour and spend an hour learning something instead. This leads us to our last tip…

12. Rethink Your Habits

Look at how you spend all your time, not only your work time. Try to crowd out bad habits with good habits. 

Exercise and good nutrition are two areas that help you in all areas of your life. These two good habits help with focus and attention. 

The more good habits you have, the easier it is to manage your time, life, and business. 

Use These Time-Saving Tips for Managing Your Business

Change is hard but using these time-saving tips will help you manage your small business more efficiently. Track your time so you know how you’re spending it. 

Get organized so you stop wasting time. Remember to plan ahead and schedule everything in an online calendar, including breaks. 

Do the hardest tasks first and don’t let email and social media distract you. Quit destructive habits like multitasking and delegate or outsource some routine tasks. 

Don’t be afraid to say “no,” and consider rethinking your daily schedule. Look at your life and business holistically. Your daily habits define you, so make sure they’re good habits.

Try and crowd out the bad habits with good habits and you’ll be on your way to a more efficient and productive you!

Looking for other great tips? Keep reading the blog!