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Why Joel Marion’s ‘The Fat Burning Hormone Diet’ book should be your fitness bible

Millions of people all over the world are trying to lose weight and get fit. While some choose to follow a strict diet, others hit the gym and sweat it out. With an aim to help people eat right and lose weight, Joel Marion has released a book titled ‘The Fat Burning Hormone Diet’. The book takes the reader by the hand and guides them through a healthy fat burning diet that is easy to follow.

But with so many books out there that talk about health and fitness, what sets ‘The Fat Burning Hormone Diet’ apart from its competition? Joel is the Co-Founder of BioTrust – a nutritional supplement manufacturer that provides its customers with only high-quality, natural products that are backed by research. Joel Marion has been helping millions of people world-wide loose body fat, gain muscle, and dramatically improve their lives through his cutting-edge articles, witty blogs, and breakthrough diet programs. He entered the fitness industry more than 10 years ago by winning the world’s largest Body Transformation Contest for “regular” people and the Body-for-Life Transformation Challenge. 5-time best-selling author and fitness personality, Joel has appeared on television networks such as NBC, ABC, and CBS. He has also been featured in the pages of more than 20 popular national news stand magazines including Men’s Fitness, Woman’s Day, Maximum Fitness, Oxygen, Clean Eating, MuscleMag International, and Muscle & Fitness Hers.

‘The Fat Burning Hormone Diet’ is available on Amazon, Audible, Google Play and other online stores. The book touches various topics that help with fat reduction and healthy eating. Some of the topics that the book explores are determining portion sizes, meal frequency, cheat day guidelines and the calorie method.

With years of experience, Joel has managed to write a health manual that should be your next fitness bible. Establishing BioTrust and dealing with fitness experts daily has given Joel the insight and experience he needs to write the perfect weight loss program. How BioTrust came into being is also an interesting story. With an aim to help millions of kids in need, two big-hearted science nerds established BioTrust. This isn’t the first time Joel has written a health and fitness related manual. After college, best friends Josh Bezoni and Joel Marion started off their careers as self-professed “nutrition and science nerds.” Subsequently, they both went on to share their passion by writing popular health newsletters and best-selling nutrition books that impacted millions of folks worldwide. This was the start of a beautiful journey towards health and fitness that has finally led to ‘The Fat Burning Hormone Diet’.

A purveyor of all thing’s health and fitness, Joel truly believes that his latest offering can benefit millions of people worldwide who are trying to lose weight in a healthy manner. He wants people to give ‘The Fat Burning Hormone Diet’ a try and evaluate the results for themselves.